The Relationship of Diabetes And Heart Failure, Which Resulted In The Death of

We already know with that diabetes is a metabolic disease in which occurred resistance of insulin, which resulted in increased blood sugar levels. High sugar levels Kodisi this be the cause of diabetes complications militias of the heart and also with other diseases that harm could even like stroke and kidney failure.

The Relationship of Diabetes And Heart Failure, Which Resulted In The Death of
The Relationship of Diabetes And Heart Failure, Which Resulted In The Death of

Why is this diabetes can lead to heart failure or what the relationship of diabetes with heart failure that we need to know? Is there a relationship of diabetes to heart disease? Here's the explanation.

Diabetes and heart failure have close links. Diabetes is a disease that affects blood sugar levels or high blood sugar levels that will have an impact on the performance of the heart.  Blood flow in the human body in the process through the heart so that when the blood is problematic then the heart will be more powerful and this condition is dangerous. In addition to having a relationship with heart failure, the relationship of hypertension with diabetes also needs to beware of, given hipertesi, heart disease and stroke is also interconnected

The following details the relationship of diabetes with heart failure that can be known with 3 common patterns.

1. Oxidative Stress

Oxidative Strees this occurs because the body cell food needs unmet that resulted in the incidence of hunger in the cells of the body. This is triggered by skyrocketing or hiperglikemik normal blood sugar levels, which makes the cells in the body is starving. If hiperglikemik the more chronic, then the cells will continue to experience hunger which resulted in the death of the cells of the body.

When the cells die, the body will function uninterrupted, including on the organ of the heart. While some heart tissue that is damaged, then the other parts of the network will be working hard. At a certain point the network worked hard this will experience fatigue resulting in failed to function. The condition when the heart could not function properly, this is called heart failure.
This is heart failure events that harm, and could be a factor in the causes of death due to diabetes.

2. Atherosclerosis

High sugar levels in diabetics are caused due to insulin resistance which occurs continuously. Diabetes or high blood sugar and not a drop-down will result in inflammation in the tissues of the body. If the condition of the blood sugar levels in diabetics, it does not decrease significantly or hiperglikemik occurs in quite a long time, then it is inflammatory in this vein will be increasingly severe inflammatory cells are cells which then it will close the blood vessels. His blood vessels covered by this inflammatory cells called atherosclerosis. This heightens the risk of heart failure in diabetics.

3. Hipertrigliserida

Excess triglerisida will increase the levels of bad cholesterol in the body is increased and the less good cholesterol in the blood. Everything that happens will happen continuously buildup of fat in the blood that will trigger atherosclerosis. At this stage the right blood will rise and heart will work harder to pump the blood flow. Heart over this work will lead to the heart suffered fatigue and may quit unexpectedly.

Avoidance Of Heart Failure Due To Diabetes
The relationship of diabetes and heart failure need to be alerted by diabetics. Because diabetics have double the risk compared with people who don't have diabetes.

To minimize the risk of heart failure occurs in people with diabetes is with how to make the treatment of diabetes, as well as running a pattern of healthy living, to keep blood sugar controlled.

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