The Influence Of Diabetes At Eye

Did you know, that turned out to be Indonesia went into the 10 largest Countries in the world diabetics? Yes, the disease caused by too much sugar intake will be very affected by unhealthy life patterns and dietary intake that never set. Diabetes is considered will greatly affect the health condition of some of the vital organs of the body, one of which was against diabetes influences. Diabetes often became one of the leading causes of blindness.

The Influence Of Diabetes At Eye
The Influence Of Diabetes At Eye

If you are indeed a people with diabetes, we suggest that you regularly make a visit to the doctor for your blood sugar condition checked.

Well, if by chance you are indeed having problems with eyes like the eyes of minus so that having to wear glasses then suddenly Your vision become more blurred, it would be better you don't immediately decided to change the size of the lens his glasses. Because it could have been affected by the rise in blood sugar levels in the body that just suddenly increases.

In addition to the eyes become blurred, the increased blood sugar also may cause eyes to become visible swelling. The condition of swollen eyes and very vague will you experience during the blood sugar is still in a State of high and couldn't get back to normal.

Then when it will be back to normal? Will usually return to normal after a 3 month when blood sugar already is the most emphasis is normal and will not interfere with the vision is getting worse again.
However, there are some more severe eye disease of eyes blur which also caused due to the influence of a rise in blood sugar. Some of the diseases which are:

• Cataracts

Cataract is an eye disease that will cause your eye looks cloudy and foggy weather, especially on the part of the lens of the eye. So most likely you can not see with great focus on objects around you. Although this disease can attack anyone but for the diabetics usually risk will be bigger even in young age.

If you feel the eyes there are half white and cloudy like this will continue on a reduced ability of your eyes to focus on light and vision as well.  How to consume the leaves Africa for diabetes you can try to avoid these symptoms.

• Glaucoma

Next eye disorders are also affected by the disease of diabetes is glaucoma. Condition glaucoma occurs when fluid inside the eye can not flow very well resulting in an overly excessive pressure on the part of the retina back of the eyeball.

While the higher pressure that would further damage on parts of the nerves and blood vessels also in the part of the eye so that it would be very disruptive to your vision.

Onset of symptoms generally glaukomo usually will not be felt until the last phase. Therefore, it is very important that you can be checked to detect eye diseases eye early on.

That's the influence against diabetes you need to beware of and you avoid. How do I avoid it? Of course by keeping sugar levels. It would be better you can consume a diet menu for diabetics because it would be very helpful at all to control your normal blood sugar levels.

Such as replacing white rice with red rice because the levels of sugar in the white rice is high enough.

If indeed you are still fit, do sport also is highly recommended. Avoid consumption of alcohol and cigarettes will also increasingly affect blood sugar control to keep it under normal circumstances and not rise suddenly.

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