Can Diabetics Eat Bananas?-This is Answere

Can diabetics eat bananas? This question appears because the fruit has a sweet taste of bananas, as well as have a high carbohydrate content. Simple carbohydrates are high which then allegedly can increase the content of glucose in the blood significantly. In addition to the sweet taste which is a layman can be defined to contain high sugar levels. The fact that bananas contain nutrients that are good for the health of the body.

Can Diabetics Eat Bananas
Can Diabetics Eat Bananas

1. Maintaining heart health.
Heart disease is a disease that is harmful and potentially be the cause of death. Bananas are loaded with potassium (potassium) can maintain heart health as well as ability to maintain blood pressure remains stable. According to the results of the study, consumption of potassium as much as 1.3-1.4 grams per day can lower the risk of affected 26% of heart disease.

2. Help the digestive tract
The high fiber content in the fruit of the banana can improve digestion. In addition, there is a banana fruit in resistant starch (Resistant Starch) and Pectin that serves as a probiotic that supports the process of development of good bacteria to help the digestive system.

3. Reduce the risk of Cancer
Vitamin C contained in the banana fruit is very effective to ward off free radicals that could potentially be the cause of cancer. In addition to containing vitamin c. Bananas also contain substances that are capable of preventing kolorektrum cancer, that cancer cells that grow in the large intestine.

4. Healthy Eyes
Just like other fruits. Bananas also contain carotenoids serve improve eye health. Cataracts and nyctalopia and glaucoma can be avoided if the banana fruit intake enough.

5. Reduce the risk of disturbance of kidney disease
In the banana fruit there is a substance called potassium or potassium can help fluid balance in the body. If our bodies are getting enough potassium intake then the kidney will be healthier and avoid diseases of kidney failure. This fact was obtained from results of research that says if someone is diligent banana fruit consumption 4-6 times in a week, empirically can lose 50% risk of developing kidney disease, if compared with people who do not consume bananas with the routine.

6. Maintaining healthy skin
The content contained in the banana fruit in the form of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) in a high number of supports skin health and can be a solution for skin problems, such as dry skin, acne, and dandruff.

Banana Consumption advice for diabetics

There is no ban on people with diabetes type 1 and type 2 diabetes to eat bananas diabetics may eat banana origin noticed portions so as not to exceed the reasonable limit your intake of carbs for diabetics.

One banana bet generally contain 30 grams of carbohydrates. The amount of content in a banana is comparable to the sandwich with fresh bread 2 sheets. In order to not have surgedhigherh blood sugar, then note other foods as well. Because most of our society considers this banana fruit washing mouth, or as a dessert after a large meal. If this were applied in diabetics, clearly should not. Because eating a banana fruit after eating white rice to the full, will increase your intake of carbohydrates is far over the limit it is safe for diabetics.

To consume bananas, make banana fruit as an extra meal in between meal hours. Suppose eaten between breakfast and lunch, and of course eating bananas in a reasonable amount, maximum of 1 piece banana, and even then not a big banana.
In addition, people with diabetes are encouraged to consume a banana green fruit. Because the green banana has a lower glycemic index compared to banana yellow once cooked.

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