Treatment Of Hypertension In Diabetes -Very Easy To Do

Diabetes and hypertension are generally caused by unhealthy eating patterns. Two out of three people with diabetes are even known to also have high blood pressure. If you are one of those people who have both these diseases, or both, don't worry. You can still eat well while maintaining the health of the body. How do you do? The following tips set diet, diabetes and hypertension in this article.

Treatment Of Hypertension In Diabetes
Treatment Of Hypertension In Diabetes

The Guide applies the eating patterns of diabetes and hypertension

1. Expand in fiber intake

Diabetic diet and hypertension must be enriched with high-fibrous food menu. The fibers are not easy to digest the body so launch the digestive system without causing a rise in blood sugar. This is why foods high in fiber can help lower generally stabilize blood sugar, prevent constipation, lower cholesterol, as well as addressing the issues of digestive disorders.

Fiber is found in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Then don't forget to always add fiber intake into the food you consume daily. For grain, your target audience is to eat three to five servings of grain every day, and at least half of the share of the grain is whole wheat aka whole grains.

2. Use a good seasoning

Because you have high blood pressure, you should not get more than 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day, i.e. Less than a teaspoon of salt to the whole foods that you consume in a day. So, practice your tongue.

Instead of using salt, season Your dishes with lemon, garlic, rosemary, ginger, chilies, oregano, cumin or to enrich the taste. In addition to making food more delicious, the use of these spices will also provide health benefits for you.

3. Set the contents of the plate

To get used to having a balanced meal menu, you can visualize your plate as a clock. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. Then, a quarter of a section filled with protein without the fat as roast fish, beans, or chicken. The remaining one-quarter filled with grain, such as rice in red.

4. Limit the coffee

Caffeine can increase blood sugar and blood pressure. If you have blood sugar or high blood pressure after drinking coffee, limit your intake of caffeine you become 200 milligrams, about 2 cups of coffee per day.

How to BREW coffee to avoid using a french press or espresso, but chooses a coffee made with paper filters. Paper filter will absorb the oily compounds in coffee bean called cafestol, which can increase cholesterol. You could also consider switching to decaf because some research suggests it can reduce blood sugar.

5. The importance of intake of potassium

Bananas are a good source of potassium. Similarly, melons, broccoli, raw carrots, beans, potatoes, whole wheat bread, and beans. Potassium can reduce the effects of sodium that can help control blood pressure. However, if you have kidney problems, too much potassium can thus make kidney problems worse. Ask the doctor if you need to limit how much you'll need.

6. Reduce alcohol

Beer, wine, and cocktail contain sugar and will cause blood sugar levels, blood pressure, as well as triglycerides increase. Not only that, alcohol also stimulates the appetite and can cause you to overeat. The limit is the key. For men, you should limit it to be a maximum of 2 glasses of alcohol per day. While women, limit alcohol consumption maximum 1 glasses per day.

7. Avoid foods high in fat

Avoid trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils alias found in fried foods and baked goods. In addition, do not forget to also limit the intake of saturated fats, which are mostly found in the fatty pieces of meat and dairy fats. This is because both can improve cholesterol, which causes heart disease.

8. Not allowed to eat healthy, but small portions

Occasionally, you may just not eating, healthy eating. Just make sure you control your portions. For example, if you want to eat ice cream, then you can order a size small. Want to eat cake? For two with Your partner or friend. Eating at fast food restaurants? Do not message replace it with French fries and salad

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