How to Avoid Getting Diabetes

How to Avoid Getting Diabetes
How to avoid getting diabetes

The increased blood sugar levels drastically will cause interference with complications in the body. The first disease occurs when blood sugar levels jumped sharply is the disease of diabetes. In General, glucose is needed by the body as an energy source. However, the sugar levels in the blood have too high, thus resulted in worse performance on the organs of our body.

Normally, blood sugar levels within a reasonable range are on specific figures. After we finished eating, the carbohydrates in our body will be broken down into sugar or glucose. Further glucose is absorbed by the blood in our bodies. The blood will drain into the whole body glucose to produce energy. However, before becoming the first energy, glucose must pass through a door to get into the cells in our body. The hormone which has the role to open the door is the hormone insulin. An own insulin hormone produced by the pancreas.

As for a normal blood sugar range is:
• Before eating about 70 to 130 mg/dl.
• Two hours after meals less than 180 mg/dl.
• If not eating (fasting) for at least 8 hours, then the blood sugar levels will be less than 100 mg/dl.
• We sleep ahead of the blood sugar levels of 100 to 140 mg/dl.

From these figures we can see that the blood sugar levels that exceed the figures of the above result in the emergence of diabetes (blood sugar levels that are too high). When a person's blood sugar levels exceed 126 mg/dl (while fasting) or more than 200 mg/dl (when not fast) then the person is considered to have suffered diabetes. However, most people will experience symptoms of diabetes after his blood sugar levels exceed the number 270 mg/dl. To prevent the disease diabetes early enough You actually perform a few simple steps:

1. Do not Forget Breakfast

As mentioned earlier, one of the habits that can trigger diabetes is rarely breakfast. It is important for you not to underestimate the breakfast. Research shows that a person who often breakfast have blood sugar levels that are lower than people who rarely breakfast. Therefore, do not skip breakfast.

2. Actively moving

Rarely do physical activity or lazy move will increase the levels of sugar in the blood. In contrast, active moves will lower the sugar levels in the blood while enhancing insulin sensitivity. Don't ever underestimate the small activity such as walking. Research shows that a person who walk daily will lower the risk for diabetes affected up to 30%.

3. Healthy Food

The intake of fresh bread, rice, and potatoes also will crease the levels of sugar in the blood. Some types of these foods contain this type of simple carbohydrates that are more easily converted into glucose in the body. As a result, consuming some type of food that can increase glucose in the blood. To meet your daily carbohydrate needs, consume wheat and also seeds.

Food intake comes from whole grain cereals, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread and good to control sugar levels in the blood. The reason, several types of foods that contain these types of complex carbohydrates that are difficult to be converted to glucose. Consume some type of food will also make you feel full longer so as to prevent you to consume more food. Meanwhile, consume the seeds proved to be able to lower their risk for diabetes disease affected by 30%.

4. Cinnamon

Although there has been no valid research showing that consume cinnamon may prevent diabetes, but many that prove that consume cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels. Even many diabetes experts who recommend the intake of cinnamon per day to prevent diabetes.
5. Consumption of vegetables and fruit
Everyone will surely agree that consuming vegetables and fruit provide many benefits for 
the health of the body. Consuming vegetables and fruit will increase the metabolism of the body, including the blood sugar level. In addition, consuming vegetables and fruit will also launch a blood flow so as to prevent damage to blood vessels.

6. Soybeans

Consuming meat certainly will not cause harm to the body when the amount not excess. However, it's good you replace intake protein derived from meat by consuming soybeans or petrol. Protein content that exists in soybeans proved able to control sugar levels in the blood and also the levels of insulin.

7. Avoid sweet Drinks

Some types of drinks are sweet, fizzy drinks, like sweet tea, or other sweet drinks no doubt can increase the levels of glucose in the blood. To increase the body's metabolism and also control the sugar levels in the blood, you should consume a lot of water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

8. Avoid Seteres

As has been explained above, stress can increase sex hormone in the body that can raise blood glucose levels. Therefore, avoid stress in any form. If the stress you can't avoid it, you should be able to manage stress well, such as relaxation, refreshing, or just listening to music favorite activity on the sidelines.

9. Fill your needs for Vitamin D

Vitamin D turns out to be useful not only for maintaining bone health only. As has been previously mentioned, vitamin D has the role to control sugar levels in the blood. Therefore, fill Your vitamin D needs through food intake. You can also get the benefits of vitamin D in Sun way early in the morning before 9 am.

10. Sleep Enough

Fill the need your rest by sleeping at least 6 to 8 hours per day. Lack of sleep will cause the metabolic processes of the body is disrupted. In addition, the lack of sleep will also stimulate hunger thus causing You two want to consume more food. As a result, blood sugar levels will experience an increase. To do this, fill a needed break you so as not to hit by diabetes.

11. Quit smoking

As explained previously, smoking will increase the risk to be exposed to diabetes. In fact, smoking also increases the risk for developing cancer and disorders of the heart. Therefore, cut Your smoking habit. When necessary, avoid environmental cigarette smoke because cigarette smoke will cause the same impact as bad with smoke.

12. Avoid Obesity

Obesity or excess weight will increase the risk to be exposed to diabetes. Therefore, avoid food intake can increase the weight. Keep work out so that metabolic processes also increases.

13. Avoid fatty foods

Foods rich in fat content such as fried foods is a food that contributes greatly to the weight gain and the risk to be exposed to the disease of diabetes. Avoid fried foods or different types of foods with a high fat content of evil. Change Your fat needs by consuming fish oil, olive oil, almond oil, or various types of source of fat are good for the health of the body.
Habits that can lead to Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that gives a serious threat for the sufferer. In the past this disease was identified with people who have entered old age. However, due to unhealthy life pattern, disease, diabetes can infect all walks of life regardless of age limits. Diabetes is itself a cause of death number 6 in the world. In fact, it is estimated as many as 1.3 million people died from this disease. 4% of them died before the age of 70 years. It shows that cases of diabetes can strike anyone regardless of age. Therefore, to prevent the disease, should we do precautionary measures early on.

Without us even knowing, it turns out a lot of everyday activity we can increase the levels of sugar in the blood. The spike in blood sugar levels if not promptly treated can cause harm to a person, namely the emergence of disease as well as diabetes can increase the risk of complications of other diseases. As for some of the habits that may increase the blood sugar levels are:

1. Often ignoring Breakfast

If you have a habit of never have breakfast, then please change your habits. Try the breakfast routine agenda being so you have to do every morning. Research shows that a person who rarely breakfast would be more prone to illness of diabetes than those who often have breakfast. The reason, someone who never breakfast will tend to consume more food during the day. It will be increasingly at risk when the food consumed in the day contains many simple carbohydrates. To do so, start the custom breakfast start from now on. Breakfast is very important to provide energy in our bodies, so that the body will be fitter when doing a variety of activities during the day.

2. The habit of drinking sweet tea

Sweet tea is a beverage could be compulsory in community Indonesia every meal. In fact, the number of calories in a glass of sweet tea can reach 300 calories. Imagine if we eat a day as much as 3 times, always accompanied with sweet tea, of course our caloric intake could reach 1000 calories. In fact, the number of calories needed by the body of about 1900 calories per day (depending on the type of activity). More than half the calorie needs, we have supplied only by drinking sweet tea. Not to mention with the intake of rice, snacks and other foods that also contain a lot of carbohydrates. Of course it will trigger the excess amount of calories in the body to trigger obesity and diabetes.

3. The habit of Snacking

Consuming snacks in his spare time are a very pleasant thing. Consuming snacks are considered able to Scotch the stomach and prevent hunger. However, from now on consider the intake of Your snacks. If You are a type of snacks of crisps, biscuits or small meals with a lot of flavor enhancer then cut the snacking habits.
Chips, crackers, and also kind of sweet pastries other types of snacks containing hydrate charcoal height without adequate food fiber. Some types of snacks are a type of intake with a high glycemic index belongs to. Not only that, some kind of snacks also contains sugar and flour that is very high. As a result, consume these foods in excess will increase the blood sugar levels drastically.

4. Less Brake

The habit of staying up will cause the quality and also the quantity of sleep disturbed. In fact, sleep is a very important activity for improving cell regeneration processes. The bed will also help rejuvenate the body after doing the activity for one full day. At the very least, you should sleep for 6 to 8 hours per day.

Lack of sleep will cause malfunctioning of organs and also disrupts the metabolic processes of the body. The research results revealed by University of Chicago scientists stated that the lack of sleep for 3 days can cause the body's ability to process glucose will decrease dramatically. In other words, the risk to be exposed to diabetes will also increase. Lack of sleep will also trigger a type of hormone in the body to increase appetite. As a result, your calorie intake will increase followed by a rising risk to affected by diabetes and obesity.

5. Lazy doing physical activity

Sport is a healthy habit that is at once will increase the fitness of the body. But someone who is lazy doing physical activity will be more susceptible to be exposed to diabetes. The reason, rarely have activity will slow down the process of metabolism. Whereas someone who routinely do sport or physical activity will have a smoother metabolic processes in the body so that the exposed risk to obesity will decrease. Rarely do physical activity all at once will increase the risk to affected obesity. It is at once will increase the risk to be exposed to diabetes. Therefore, whatever your activity in the Office don't forget to always work out. If the bustle doesn't allow you to work out, then you can do simple movements while in the Office, such as up and down the stairs, or just simply walking to the toilet.

6. The prolonged Seteres

High activity causes someone's level of stars. To resolve this, you should strive to prevent or handle the stress properly. You need to know, it turns out that stress may increase risk for diabetes affected. When stress, the body will increase the production of the hormone cortisol and epinephrine. Both of these hormones are useful for improving blood sugar levels and also to provide a reserve of energy for the body to perform various activities. Actually, the condition is designed in such a way to maintain body condition. However, the sugar levels constantly spurred will directly increase the risk to be exposed to diabetes.

7. Smoking habit.

Smoking is proven to not give any positive impact for the body. In addition to increasing the risk of cancer and disorders of the heart, the habit of smoking will also cause diabetes. Based on research conducted in the USA, the habit of smoking can increase the risk for diabetes affected amounted to 22%. Reduce smoking won't give significant results. To prevent diabetes, the most effective step is to really quit smoking.

8. Less Vitamin D

According to the study, vitamin D can help the regularity of metabolic processes in the body, including against blood sugar. Vitamin D intake can you get from food. However, the sunlight before 9 a.m. turns out to also have vitamin D which is quite high. If you lack the nutrients of foods containing vitamin D and also fear of having blacks due to the sunlight in the morning, then most likely you will have diabetes.

9. The habit of Consuming Fizzy Drinks

Fizzy drinks are proven to increase risk for diabetes affected. The content of sugar in drinks relatively high increase in blood sugar levels. In addition, the fizzy drinks also contain a type of liquid calories that will not remove the thirst. Liquid caloric intake that will stimulate us to consume more fizzy drinks. It is at once will increase the risk to be exposed to diabetes.
That's some habits that can increase the risk for diabetes-affected. Some of the habits of over might often do. Even so you don't realize that it can cause diabetes.

10.The Negative Impact Of Diabetes

The increased sugar levels in the blood at once will increase the risk for having diabetes. Based on research, diabetes does not immediately dealt with would cause a negative impact and also complications against the organs inside the body of the sufferer. Here are some of the bad impact of the dam also due to complications suffered diabetes:

• The blood vessel will be damaged. It is at once will increase the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular diseases also.

• Blood sugar levels that are too high will increase the risk of damage to arteries that can trigger disturbances in the heart.

• Bone density Levels will be decreased so that the risk of exposed osteoporosis will also increase.

• The higher the levels of sugar in the blood, then the weight of the performance should be done by the kidneys. As a result, the kidneys will be more prone to  the risk of Diabetes will trigger the micro blood vessel damage in the eye, so that the risk of eyesight will be increased. Even severe diabetes can also cause blindness.

• Diabetes will trigger the nerve damage (neuropathy). That was the cause of diabetics often experience a tingling or numbness in the feet or hands. More at risk to experience an infection of the skin. This occurs because the tissue damage skin cells in diabetics are not easily cured. Doing so will cause the ulcers/gangrene that is hard to wound healed. In some cases, such matters must be addressed by the method of amputation.

• The immune system will also decline. The response of the body to repair damaged networks will also be disrupted. Diabetes can cause infertility. This occurs because diabetes will cause erectile dysfunction on the man,sugar that is too high will cause the flow of blood to the brain is interrupted. As a result, people with diabetes will more easily senile.

• One method to prevent transmission of ulcers to other areas of the body, doctors often take the amputation. As a result, diabetics will lose some vital organs in his body.

So some of the bad impact at once complications caused by diabetes. Unfortunately, diabetes is not looking at a person's age, in other words, anyone can be at risk for severe disease. Especially for those who do not implement the pattern of healthy living. Applying the pattern of healthy living with routine work and also controls the food intake pattern. Fill a need a break by sleeping at least 6 to 8 hours per day. Diabetes is a disease that can be suffered by anyone, regardless of age. Therefore, perform a precautionary measure early on can be the most effective method if you do not wish to be exposed to the disease on this one.

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