8 Foods For Diabetics And Ulcer

Foods For Diabetics And Ulcer-Diabetes and gastritis are 2 illnesses that could be equally affected by food intake. If one eats the possibility of normal blood sugar levels will increase can be very harmful as well as in people with gastritis, eating the wrong time then they will experience symptoms of abdominal pain that is very great. The following are the recommendations of food for diabetics and ulcer.

8 Foods For Diabetics And Ulcer
8 Foods For Diabetics And Ulcer

Foods For Diabetics

The following are some foods to encourage You that suffer from diabetes:

1. Consumption of nuts
Peanuts have a high fiber content can help you satiated for a long time. To help the stability of blood sugar as well as lowering cholesterol in the body is satisfyingly good consumed. The content of calcium and also minerals in nuts is very helpful in the process of burning fat. As for the fat content in beans also are very healthy and not too bad on the influential body. Nuts are great for diet menu in diabetics.

2. Consumption of milk
Milk is one of the healthiest drinks that are high in calcium content as well as a very good vitamin D helps prevention in diabetics. A study States that if a woman consume at least 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day or up to 800 IU of vitamin D may lower the risk of developing diabetes up to 33%. But the selection of milk has to note Yes, look for low-fat milk. Milk is not entered into the restrictions of diabetes dry.

3. The consumption of salmon
Salmon is one of the sources of the foods enriched with omega 3 fatty acid content. Healthy fat content in salmon believed could keep blood sugar levels remain in a stable state, lowering the risk of heart disease, increased insulin resistance and also reduce the presence of inflammation.

4. Consumption of wheat
Wheat is high, food fibers, food is also a type of soluble fiber called beta glucan. Than consuming white rice, to stabilize the blood sugar would be better if diabetics consume grain. You should avoid vegetables that should not be consumed in diabetics.

Food For Sufferers Of Ulcer

The following are some of the foods recommended for sufferers of gastritis:

5. Consumption of pulp
Ulcer sufferers will usually be highly recommended to consume foods that are soft like porridge. The slurry can be consumed eg chicken porridge, this could also be one of the diet menu for those who suffer from gastritis. The texture of the soft pulp could be more easily digested by the stomach so it will not be too make heavy motility.

7. The consumption of bread and biscuit
The bread and biscuit is food that also has a fairly high content of carbohydrates and their texture, not too loud so it will make of processing in the stomach fairly mild. The consumption of bread and biscuit is also very suitable for edible Scotch stomach safely.

8. Vegetable
Ulcer sufferers are also highly recommended to consume vegetables. However, we recommend that you do not consume high fiber-containing vegetables and gas high because instead will make Your stomach getting distracted. You can consume the chayote or carrots.
That's 8 foods for diabetics and ulcer which is very good for everyday consumption or to diet weight loss.

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