Symptoms of Prediabetes Type 2 And How to Overcome it

Symptoms of Prediabetes Type 2-Prediabetes is an early warning of diabetes. This condition occurs when blood sugar levels begin to exceed the normal range, but not too high to be classified as diabetes.

Symptoms of Prediabetes Type 2
Symptoms of Prediabetes Type 2

If not immediately anticipated, prediabetes condition could be very vulnerable to diabetes complications of various dangerous diseases such as heart disease, blood vessels, kidneys, nerves, and eyes. That's why, knowing the early signs of prediabetes early on to reduce the risk of developing diabetess completely.

What causes prediabetes?

Up to this point the exact cause prediabetes is still unknown. However, experts believe if genetic factors and family history play a role against the onset of prediabates.

In addition, prediabetes often triggered daily diet because unhealthy, such as high sugar, high calorie, high fat, and less fiber. Minimal physical activity – or rarely move and exercise can also be a cause of additional factors for this condition.

Someone experiencing prediabetes, making his body can't use insulin effectively. Sometimes this causes too much sugar circulating in the bloodstream. Well, the high sugar levels in the blood can cause serious health complications, especially damage to the blood vessels, heart, and kidneys.

What are the early symptoms of type 2 prediabetes?

Most people don't realize if they are experiencing any of the symptoms prediabetes. In most cases, when people began to realize the presence of symptoms, the condition has developed into type 2 diabetes.
But, there are some of the most common symptoms could be indicative of early prediabetes, namely:
• Frequent thirsty
• Frequent urination
• Easily tired

If you experience any of the conditions mentioned above, you should be wary. Especially if you have a person with a family history of diabetes and high blood overweight. Immediately check your bloodsugar levels to ensure this condition.

What to do if you have prediabetes

If you experience any of the conditions mentioned above, you should be wary. Especially if you have a person with a family history of diabetes and high blood overweight. Immediately check your blood sugar levels to ensure this condition.
Implement a healthy lifestyle is one of the ways to prevent a more serious diabetes complications. There are some lifestyle changes you can do, including:


1. Lose weight

Studies have shown that modest weight loss – a 5 percent to 7 percent of Your body weight – can prevent or delay the development of diabetes. For example, if you are a person who weighs 90 pounds, lost about 10 pounds from your initial weight loss can help reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

2. Reduce Your carbohydrate intake

Carbohydrates are the most abundant nutrients affect the blood sugar in the body. You can reduce blood sugar and lose weight by eating fewer carbohydrates.
Avoid eating refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta, rice, and chips, soda, and other types of food or drinks that are rich in sugar. In contrast, consumption of food intake of non-flour such as grain, wheat, peas, corn, potato, wheat, rice, and beans.

3. Do a diabetic diet

The principle of the diabetic diet is basically how you arrange the serving of nutrition and nutritional needs are balanced so as not to make blood sugar levels soaring quicker. Cut down on foods that contain high sugar, and choose low-calorie sweeteners and sugar-free to prevent diabetes and controlling your calorie intake.
Don't forget, note also the dining portion. Consult a doctor or nutritionist first to help figure out your daily nutritional needs.

4. Physical activity

Physical activity not only helps keep your weight stays under control, but also help you utilize insulin better. Insulin is a natural hormone in the body that function to convert glucose into energy.

In addition, these hormones also play a role to help control blood sugar levels (glucose) in the body. You can do cardio or weight training exercise regularly, at least 3 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes. If you do not have enough time to work out, do a simple physical activity such as walking, cycling, swimming, gardening, or anything else you like.

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