4 Types of Diabetes Complications in The Eye Resulting in Blindness

Indonesia with diabetics around 10 million people, this is certainly the most alarming. Mainly due to complications of diabetes mellitus which resulted in deadly diseases or causes of death of diabetes include kidney failure, stroke, heart failure, coronary artery disease and some types of diseases in the other. Although it sounds lighter than mellitus, diabetes complications of the heart and some types of complications in organs in diabetes complications, however, this one also needs to get special attention because the complications of diabetes mellitus on this one can cause a person to lose his eyesight or suffered permanent blindness.

4 Types of Diabetes Complications in The Eye Resulting in Blindness
4 Types of Diabetes Complications in The Eye Resulting in Blindness

Diabetes complications in the eye of this include happens because diabetes is attacking all of the blood vessels, as one of its effects on small vessels in the retina that provide nutrition and blood supply cut off function fail or experience a of blockages.
Some types of communication of diabetes mellitus on the eye that needs to look out for;

1. Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy occurs due to leakage of blood vessels in the eye. This dirty blood vessel because due to the high sugar content in the blood. Diabetic retinopathy can cause blindness in people with diabetes. The unity of Indonesia mentioned Endocrinology if diabetic retinopathy is a type of diabetes complications in the eyes of the population. Diabetic retinopathy can attack this type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

Ideally If someone had suffered from diabetes and he also checked the health of the eyes. Examination of the eyes in diabetics, it can be done within a certain period to see whether complications of the eyes or not.

Action to overcome this diabetic retinopathy is an eye remedy, fotokoagulasi laser, and surgical vitreoretina intravitreal injection.

2. Glukoma

Glaucoma is an eye disorder that results in blurred eyes on the views, cannot even noticed at all. Glukoma is caused due to the high pressure of the eyeball. This fluid pressure resulting in damage to nerves and blood vessels in the eye.

Types of glaucoma in diabetics are neovaskular glaucoma where there is new blood vessels appearing on the iris or colored part of the eye, which resulted in the blockage of flow of fluids until the pressure on the eyeball increases drastically.

Here are some traits of glaucoma caused due to diabetes:

• Pain in the eyes.
• Head ached.
• See the shadow circles around the light.
• Physical characteristics of red eye.
• And often foggy.

If this glaucoma could not immediately be resolved, then the pressure of the fluid will be more powerful and can lead to blindness.

3. Haze

Diabetes complications of the eyes is often the case, namely the view becomes no good resulting because of the eye lens swells. Eye lens swelling caused due to high blood sugar levels. This haze condition may be experienced by a person at the time of pradiabetes. So for those of you not yet medically diagnoses diabetes needs to be careful if your eyes suddenly became blurry. It could be going on increased levels of sugar in your blood.

4. Cataracts

Cataract is an eye disease that occurs in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy so disturbing visions. Cataract disease is actually not only experienced by diabetics diabetics, but highly risky or has a higher risk of cataract disease affected than people who do not have a history of diabetes.

If you suffer from diabetes, soon, check your eyes before cataracts strike your eyes.

Generally cataract with diabetes complications occurred slowly and could not be detected early. Slowly but surely cataracts will spread all over the lens of the eye to the vision becomes impaired.

Cataract symptoms felt by sufferers of diabetes, and diabetes:
• the vision began to blur cloudy or foggy.
• There are spots in the vision of the eye.
• sensitive Eyes with a bright light.
• See the circles around the lights light up.
• Vision eyes appear this yellowing.

Prevention of Complications of Diabetes on Eye

Ready umbrella before it rains, saying this might be suitable for diabetics who haven't experienced complications both diabetes complications on the eyes as well as complications with diseases of internal organs, by taking preventive measures. In what ways so as 
not to cause diabetes complications?

The only way is to control blood sugar levels normal. As much as possible people with diabetes to live a strict diet and running pattern of healthy living in order that diabetes is not getting worse. In addition to running a pattern of healthy living by controlling the consumption of food, exercise regularly and other healthy living advice.

More important for diabetics to be able to improve the spiritual and emotional intelligence in order to load the resulting life because diabetes does not make it let alone depression despair.

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