The Risks And The Influence of Married With Diabetics

Diabetes is a chronic disease that is very difficult to cure. This disease can strike anyone, is no exception. Meanwhile, some people suffer from diabetes often triggered due to hereditary factors and will usually last a lifetime. Then what if married to a descendant of diabetes? Whether to get the transmission against the couple or will affect pregnancy? To answer some of these questions, here's the answer.

The risks and the influence of Married descendants of Diabetes
The risks and the influence of Married descendants of Diabetes

The Risk Was Married To Diabetics

If you are married or living together with people with diabetes, the risk of contracting the same disease gets quite large. This is the result of research ever published in the journal BMC medicine. In the research described, that those suffering from the disease of type 2 diabetes are highly likely to 26%, even bigger again to get the risk of diabetes.

Actually the diabetes itself is not contagious, but there are some specific causes that can be transmitted i.e. a bad life and fellow spouses could not support each other to overcome health problems with even better. The conclusions obtained from the results of studies involving 75,498 couples with 6 times the study. Through the research, researchers are also trying to determine whether the process of transmission of type 2 diabetes on couples who are married can be caused because the same lifestyle.

This is because the likelihood of transmission due to unhealthy lifestyles, such as lack of exercise and diet that is very bad. After research it turns out that the results show the transmission did in fact, diabetes can happen to those who are married to the cause of a bad lifestyle.

But it will certainly be avoided if the couple of diabetics and healthy couples being able to change lifestyle into a more healthy diet consumes more such menu for diabetics. Then what influence if married to a descendant of diabetes.

The Influence Is Married To Diabetics

For those of you who are married to diabetics, a direct influence of the transmission towards the couple could possibly happen but not too significant. But a very big possibility of transmission is on the baby.

Yes, if your partner contains then his influence will be very large for contracting in infants. Later the baby will get diabetes offspring that can be suffered since childhood, or it could also suffer when he had entered the age of 20 years. If the baby has already contracted diabetes, then it will affect all his life.
Then, if it can be corrected?

When dealing with problems of the gene then it's very unlikely to be overcome. However, You can still avoid some of the ways to avoid it, such as:

• Regulates sugar intake during pregnancy
During pregnancy You really have to keep normal blood sugar levels in order to remain in a stable state at all times. Because blood the sugar unstable conditions that will directly influence on the baby. While the sugar levels set way is to set up sugar intake from food.

• Consumption of fruit is only recommended for diabetics only
You are also strongly encouraged to consume the fruit, but the consumption is only recommended, such as berries, melons or apples. Avoid too much fruit contain gases such as durian, because it in fact will effect bad for pregnancy and babies. Don't forget to also avoid vegetables that should not be consumed in diabetics.

How the above could be preventive measures to decrease diabetes risk passing on babies. However, the best move when married to a descendant of diabetes then managed to get pregnant, don't forget to always check the pregnancy and said the doctor would be a history of Your diabetes.

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