Garlic Cure For Diabetes And The Heart

Garlic is a type of tubers as ingredients that are very popular. His trademark in addition to the colour white is a pungent smells. But behind the pungent smells that saved a powerful drug efficacy for treating diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes.

Garlic Cure For Diabetes And The Heart
Garlic Cure For Diabetes And The Heart

Diabetes is a disorder of metabolism in the form of an abnormal insulin production and insulin make variables more resistant there which led to the high blood sugar levels. control diabetes can lead to complications of diseases that harm, such as a spike in cholesterol levels, strokes, cardiovascular disease or heart disease, and early death experienced by persons with diabetes.

Consume garlic good raw or cooked can provide the benefits below:

• Help manage blood glucose
• To combat the effects of diabetes complications
• Fight infection in the body
• Lowers bad cholesterol
• Facilitate blood flow

View of some of the above functions, the garlic is not only beneficial for the natural cure of diabetes, but can be used for traditional medicine in other diseases.
The following substances found in garlic, which is great for controlling normal blood sugar levels as well as to heal the sickness in the other:

1. Allicin

Allicin in garlic can control bad cholesterol in the blood. Allicin in garlic is the best substances to lower high cholesterol. High Cholesterol condition is extremely harmful to the body and has long term effects fatal i.e. Atherosclerosis, in which fat accumulates on the walls of the arteries, which can then clog blood flow.
Complications of the disease that often occurs from arteriosclerosis, it will result with the rise of heart disease and stoke. So to control the cholesterol in the blood needs to be done so that the heart of diabetes patients stay healthy and avoid the risk of a stroke.

2. Profile of Sulfide, Sulfoxide and Allyl Cysteine

Sulfoxide on garlic effective lowering sugar levels in the blood as well as being able to improve insulin sensitivity. But remember to consume white should not be excessive, even for the more effective diabetes treatment recommended consumption of garlic under the supervision of a doctor.

In addition to the substances that are able to improve senstifitas sulfoxid insulin is allyl propyl sulfide and the third cysteine is found in garlic.

3. Alaxin and Vanadium

Garlic Avoids the risk of diabetes complications are the benefits of garlic for healing diabetes has already passed the stage of scientific research. So the garlic is capable of lowering blood sugar levels in people with diabetes this is the facts, not the myths.

In a study in Japan found the tablet supplement that contains vanadium and alaxin are some of the essential minerals found in garlic, which is able to reduce sugar levels in animal testing. It can be concluded from this study shows that diabetes can be cured by garlic consumption. Moreover garlic can also prevent complications resulting from hyperglikemik or excess sugar levels in the blood. 

From research it also obtained the results that the essential oil of garlic is able to prevent diabetes complications from heart disease.
Garlic is able to prevent cardiovascular complications and diabetes, cardiomyopathy. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in diabetics. Diabetics have a risk of death of 2 to 4 times due to complications of heart disease, compared to heart without diabetes sufferers.

From research it can also be concluded that garlic is very potential to prevent cardiovascular and diabetic cardiomyopathy.

 How To Consume Raw Garlic

• Blender one clove of garlic or garlic would later combine into the lemon tea and honey. In this way guaranteed in garlic consumption will become more palatable because it is clouded by sour lemon and the sweetness of honey.
• Mashed first, then packed by means of ingestion such as medicines, after that drink milk or honey to get rid of onion.
• Garlic can thin sliced thinly then mix in the vegetables.
• Chopped garlic for consumed with boiled potatoes.
Dosage and side effects of garlic for diabetics
See the plethora of benefits from the consumption of garlic, nonetheless must follow the correct rules, should not be exaggerated. Because anything exaggeration did no good and will eliminate the benefits and functions of the main goals of the treatment itself.

The ideal size of garlic consumption in order to lower sugar levels in the blood? to measToe breathing is 600 mg per day, in the early stages of treatment. Then be increased gradually up to 2200 mg per day. It's already at the maximum dose, should not surpass it.
Side effects from the consumption of garlic this is a stomach feels hot and nauseous, it will be felt for that consuming garlic in amounts directly to the extreme.

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