4 Tips Diet For Diabtes-That is Easy To Do it

In addition to diabetes due to hereditary factors have also caused due to incorrect diet. A pattern prone with diabetes is that consumption is not paying attention to the health of the food into the intake. As fatty foods and foods that contain high sugar. Unbalanced diet, then became a habit that brought on the disease of diabetes
Not to mention the factors supporting that makes diabetes is fast infecting one's body, such as the habit of drinking a soft drink and the sweet drinks in unnatural amounts on his daily menu.

4 Tips Diet For Diabtes-
4 Tips Diet For Diabtes-

An example of a bad diet and diabetes can cause this such as eating fried rice after that drink soft drink or sweet iced tea. Another example of a menu packed with fried chicken with a serving of rice, a plate full of the drink Coca Cola or Fanta. Not to mention the snacks of fried foods otherwise Yes snacks sweets.

The first thing to diabetics who wish to recover from this sickness is to realize that the disease due to profuse from diet and unhealthy lifestyle. Then instill in myself to change it. Because no matter how much treatment is done will be in vain if the source that triggered the disease is not controlled.

The formula for setting up a healthy diet in diabetics is to pay attention to item 4 j. 4 elements of what it is? The answer can be found here. Item 4 J needs to be applied on how to set up a diet of diabetics:

1. The amount of calorie intake

Diabetics try to consume foods with the appropriate amount of calories with calories needed by the body in the activity. If incoming calories that are greater than calories required for an activity can be sure he will be experiencing overweight. Increased weight in diabetics, it will have an impact on the increase in blood sugar, which would further endanger health.

Body fat is a nest of diabetes, though not all diabetics are having overweight. Thus, in some cases, diabetics will experience significant weight loss. Make sure the amount of calories and nutrients balanced fulfilled. On the stage of this amount needs to be done is food combining, i.e. Set or mixing types of foods to get the nutrients needed by the body. Adjust the amount according the needs of the body. How many foods that contain protein, fiber and fat. At this stage the number of carbohydrates needs to be pressed so that the intake does not affect blood sugar levels normal.

2. The right meal schedule

General Schedule packed in the normal condition of the body without any disturbance of blood sugar is 3 times in a day.
The most appropriate meal schedule is at 6 a.m. For breakfast, 12 noon and 6 pm meal time as cover. For diabetics who used to eat the Schedule 3 times a day was changed to 5 times in a day, of course with a smaller portion of the normal portion.
Each schedule is packed, so people with diabetes are encouraged to eat appropriate amounts of measure less than the normal amount. In this case it is obviously limited to the consumption of carbohydrates such as white rice and portions reduce foods that contain fat.

3. Types of foods with nutritional variation

The type of food that is chosen must also be right. Be organised to select the intake that is able to optimize the work of the pancreas and consume high fiber meal. Carbohydrate intake to be organised to choose the type of complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index so that the intake is not directly make direct sugar levels soaring after consuming these foods. Types of diabetes food substitute rice recommended form of potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, oats, along with vegetables and fruits.

4. Style Cook

This is the technique of cooking style how to cultivate healthy foods for diabetics. As good as any combination of the types of foods that are provided, if it is wrong then the result will not be a maximum, even even futile. Diabetes foods to try are not processed by way of frying.

The most ideal way so that nutrients stay awake until cooked is processed by way of steaming, boiling or baking it for a bit. More importantly do not use cooking oils containing kolestrol high. If you want to use the oil, try to use olive oil, but does not heat up olive oil for too long, for which would also be reduced even missing after passing through the stages of heating.

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