Type 1 Diabetes Pathophysiology

Type 1 Diabetes Pathophysiology-Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder, disease caused by lack of the hormone insulin in a person's body. The lack of the hormone insulin causes glucose consumed by the body could not be processed.

This situation causes sufferers to experience an excess blood sugar or hyperglycemia. In diabetes the excess blood sugar can result in long-term damage, dysfunction and failure of various organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels.

Type 1 Diabetes Pathophysiology
Type 1 Diabetes Pathophysiology

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease group with characteristic hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormalities of insulin secretion, insulin work or both. Chronic hyperglycemia in diabetes is associated with long-term damage, dysfunction or failure of some organs of the body, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessels.

 Pathophysiology Of Diabetes Mellitus

Hyperglycemia occurs due to damage to pancreatic β-cells that give rise to an increase in expenditure of glucose by the liver. Expenditure of glucose by the liver is increased because the processes that produce glucose, i.e. glikogenolisis and gluconeogenesis, took place without a hitch because insulin does not exist.

When blood glucose levels increased up to the amount of glucose difiltrasi in excess capacity, so that the cells of tubules do reabsorbs, then glucose will arise in the urine (glukosuri). Glucose in urine raises the osmotic effect which draws water osmoticdiuresis, poses with him characterized by poliuria (frequent urination).

Excessive fluid out of the body causes dehydration, so it can cause failure of the peripheral circulation due to the volume of blood down prominently. The failure of the circulation, if not corrected, can lead to death due to blood flow to the brain is down or it may cause secondary renal failure due to the filtration pressure is not strong.

In addition, the cells lose water because the body is dehydrated due to displacement of osmotic water from inside the cell to the cell is hypertonic to the extra liquid. Brain cells are extremely sensitive to disturbance arises because the function of the nervous system that is polineuropati.

Other typical symptoms of diabetes mellitus are excessive thirst is a mechanism of the compensation body to overcome dehydration induced poliuria. Due to a deficiency ofglucose intra cell, then the compensation body stimulates the nerves so that increases appetite and arising excessive food intake (polifagia).

But despite an increase in food intake, body weight decreased progressively due to the effects of insulin-deficiency on the metabolism of fats and proteins. Triacylglycerol synthesis, decreased when lipolysis is increased so the mobilization of fatty acids in the blood are mostly used by cells as an alternative energy source.

Classification Of Diabetes mellitus 

Type 1 Diabetes Pathophysiology
Type 1 Diabetes Pathophysiology

1. Diabetes mellitus type I

This type of diabetes can be caused by damage to pancreatic β cells. In the past, DM type 1 also called diabetes onset (older onset-teen) and diabetes-prone to ketosis (due to ketosis prone). DM type 1 onset usually occurs before the age of 25-30 years. The secretion of insulin-deficient (the number is very low or none at all). Thus, without treatment with insulin (insulin made via the granting of supervision along with the adaptation diet).

2. Diabetes mellitus type II

This type of diabetes is also called diabetes onset-Matura (adult-onset) diabetes and resistant-to ketosis. Diabetes Melitus type 2 is a disease familiar which represents approximately 85% of cases the DM in the developed world, with very high prevalence (35% of adults) in the community that transforms into a modern traditional lifestyle.

DM type 2 had onset in middle age (40-50s), or older, and less likely to evolve in the direction to ketosis. Most sufferers have more weight. In type 2 Diabetes melitus this symptoms appear slowly and usually mild (sometimes, haven't even shown symptoms over the years).

However, ketoacidosis is rarely emerged, except in the case of accompanied by stress or infection. Decreased insulin levels, but not to zero, or even higher, or perhaps insulin work ineffective.

3. Diabetes Mellitus Gestasional

Gestational diabetes mellitus was defined as any glucose intolerance that arise or are detected in the first pregnancy, regardless of the degree of intolerance and don't pay attention to whether these symptoms disappear or settled after giving birth.

This type of diabetes usually appears on the second or third trimester of pregnancy. This category includes the undiagnosed DM when pregnant (previously unknown). Women who previously were known to have suffered from the Diabetes mellitus, then pregnant, was not included in this category.

4. Malnutrition-related Diabetes Mellitus 

This type of diabetes is proposed by the WHO because the case lots found in the developing countries, especially in tropical regions. This type of diabetes usually manifest symptoms at a young age, between 10-40 years. Most patients experience abdominal pain which radiates into the back (this pain starts with a pattern similar to the pattern starts with pain due to pancreatitis).

The clinical manifestations are often encountered in patients of Diabetes mellitus:

  •  Polyurea (increased spending of urine)
  •  Polydipsia (thirst peningkata)
  •  Polifagia (increased hunger)
  •  A sense of tiredness and muscle weakness due to impaired blood  flow and the inability of the cells to change glucose into energy.
  •  Skin Disorders like itching – itching, sores.
  •  Tingling due to the occurrence of neuropathy.
  •  Body Weakness
  •  Cuts or sores that do not heal
  •  Blurry Eyes

Complications That May Be Experienced By Sufferers Of Diabetes Mellitus

A. Acute Complications

1. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Metabolic decompensation chaos due to deficiency of insulin and insulin resistance.

2. Hypoglycemia
Decrease in the glucose levels in the blood. Insulin levels usually caused a less precise or less carbohydrate intake.

3. The Hyperglycemia
Increased glucose levels in the blood.

B. Chronic Complications

1. Microvascular Complications is the occurrence of blockage in the blood vessels as large as in heart and were frequently result in death as well as blockage of large arteries diekstremitas.

  • Retinopathy diabetikum due to damage to the blood vessels of the retina
  • Diabetikum Nephropathy characterized by the discovery of high levels of protein in the urine caused damage to the glomerulus.
  • Neuropathy diabetikum is characterized by a loss of reflexes and the presence of disorders of the nerves.
  • Gangrene

2. Complications of makrovaskuler is the occurrence of blockage in the small blood vessels.
  •  Coroner's heart disease
  •  Kidney Disorders
  •  Hypertension

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