Diabetic Meal Planning And Food Menu To Choose From

Diabetic Meal Planning -Diabetes is one of the diseases that can attack a lifetime. Therefore, diabetics should be able to control their intake, eat to avoid diabetes increases suddenly. The rules of the diabetic meal with healthy people are very different. They should be able to limit your intake of foods that contain too much sugar because it would be very risky sparked a rise in blood sugar levels suddenly. The following are things to consider when choosing a diabetic food.

Diabetic Meal Planning
Diabetic Meal Planning 

• Consider the type of food
Diabetics must be selective to food that will be consumed. Avoid consumption of foods with very high sugar content such as sugar, dairy, bread and more. However, it does not mean the sufferer should not consume sugar or carbohydrates at all Yeses. Because Your body essentially remains to be fulfilled the intake of carbohydrates, but there is a calculation so that normal blood sugar levels.

You only need the carbs as much as 50% of the total calories your body needs. However, you must also select the type of complex carbohydrates and contains quite a lot of fiber. For example, red rice or wheat bread. You should also avoid foods that contain saturated fats, such as fried foods which are the foods to avoid diabetes patients.

• Consider the amount of intake
Not only diabetics, of course, all one must also be mindful of the amount of intake. Adjust the intake with the needs of the body exists. In General, each person's calorie needs will be very different, it depends on your gender, weight, height, as well as how the condition of his health.

For the purposes of the treatment of diabetes, the following is required: needs Carbohydrates as much as 50-60%, 10-15%, protein, fat 20-25% and as much as 25 grams of fiber per day. First fill the intake, intake and stop if it was too excessive.

• Note your dinner hour
In addition, should pay attention on the type and amount of food intake, you should also be mindful of the dining hour per day. Make the appropriate meal schedule, so each day you have a regular meal hours and not changeable. For example, you have breakfast at 6 am, then eat snacks at 10 a.m. And 12 noon lunch, then dinner at 5 pm.
Well, as additional information, here is a sample menu for diabetics eat within 1 day:

Breakfast in the morning, at 6 to 7
• The consumption of staple foods as much as 1.5 servings or equivalent to 150 grams of rice, or it could be just by consuming fresh bread,
• Animal side dish Consumption, 1 serving or equal to 50 grams of meat ever, or it could be chicken eggs.
• Consumption of vegetable side dish, 1.5 servings only
• Vegetable Consumption by as much as 100 grams
Lunch, from 12 to 1 pm
• The consumption of staple foods as much as 200 grams of rice, or it could be 100 grams of vermicelli.
• Animal side dish Consumption, 1 serving or equal to 50 grams of meat ever, or it could be chicken eggs.
• Vegetable side dish, consumption equals 1 tofu and Tempe.
• Vegetable Konsumsilah as much as 100 grams
Dinner, 5 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon
• The consumption of staple foods as much as 200 grams of rice, or it could be 100 grams of vermicelli.
• Animal side dish Consumption, 1 serving or equal to 50 grams of meat ever, or it could be chicken eggs.consumption side dish, consumption equals 1 tofu and tempe.
• vegetable Konsumsilah as much as 100 grams

Temped you consume snack on at 10 am and 4 pm only, while select most appropriate snacks are fruits that contain lots of fiber. You simply consume 50 grams of fruit only.
That's the rules of the diabetic foods and dishes that can be selected for how to lower your diabetes. Notice all Your intake, if still in doubt, you can consult a nutritionist.

1 Response to "Diabetic Meal Planning And Food Menu To Choose From"

  1. What you need to aware of is that when you discuss this issue with your friends they will most likely fuel your personal desires and fob off your logical and practical needs. Your doctor will always aim to guide in the direction that would most likely be beneficial, but even that might not be sufficient. papa johns diabetic pizza


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