Type Diabetes in Chlidren-Causes and how to deal with it

Type Diabetes In Chlidren-Diabetes is a disease in which the body cannot produce insulin (blood sugar balance hormones) or the insulin produced is insufficient insulin or don't work well. Therefore will cause increased blood sugars while.Usually you know this disease as a disease of the elderly, but in fact a small child could suffer from this disease. Yes, diabetes can occur in children, usually a child can suffer from type 1 diabetes. What is type 1 diabetes? Why can happen to kids? To find out more, let us refer to the reviews here.

Type Diabetes In Chlidren
Type Diabetes In Chlidren

What is type 1 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes in children can occur due to a disturbance in the function of the pancreas, so the pancreas is not able to produce sufficient amounts of insulin. Insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas gland to help the body absorb the sugar or glucose, so that blood sugar levels controlled. Type 1 diabetes in children known as diabetes juvenile or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (TYPE 1).

Type 1 diabetics allegedly caused by a faulty immune system against a threat or harm to the body. The immune system in older people with diabetes type 1 insulin-producing cells are destroyed in the pancreas. Thus, the ability of the pancreas produces insulin in children reduced. As a result, many blood sugar builds up in the bloodstream,causing the child and children's blood sugar levels to rise. The experts also suspect Genetics (descent) plays an important role in this regard.

Type 1 diabetes can't be prevented and anyone can experience it. The disease generally occurs in children ages 7-12 years, although it can occur at any age, from infants to adults. Children with type 1 diabetes on insulin from outside to be included in the body every day to control their blood sugar levels.

What are the symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children?

Your child may grow like other children, there is no problem in the functioning of his body, until she got older and then can show symptoms of type 1 diabetes related.Yes, it's been described above that type 1 diabetes can occur at any age. Therefore, you need to know the various symptoms of diabetes type 1, so your child can get the handling of it early.

Usually, the symptoms of type 1 diabetes appear very quickly, in just a matter of weeks. The following is the symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children.

1. Increased thirst and more frequent urination

Because blood sugar levels in the body, the body will increase children responded with how to remove the extra glucose through the kidneys. This makes the child morefrequent urination in large quantities. Because much fluid secreted from the body, then the child will often feel thirsty. Drinking large quantities can help children with diabetes to maintain water levels in the body.

2. Children often feel hunger

Because the child's body does not produce enough insulin, glucose or sugar as a result of the food that goes into the body of the child was not able to be absorbed the body as a whole. This makes the cells in the body of the child, such as the cells in the muscles and organs of the child, will lack the energy to perform its activities. As a result, children often feel hunger.

3. Lose weight

Although the child will probably eat more because they are more often feel hungry, but the child's weight will decrease (can happen in a short time). The body cannot absorb blood sugar that is present in the body makes the muscle tissue and fat reserves shrinking, so that weight loss occurs in children.The Weight loss is usually the first sign of child has type 1 diabetes.

4. Fatigue

The body cannot absorb sugar from the diet makes the body lack energy. Because the cells in the body is not getting enough energy, then the child may experience fatigue and lethargy of the child.

5. Children become angry quickly

Not only his physical problems in, children also showed the symptoms on the mental state. Children with type 1 diabetes is unknown, can suddenly angry or Moody.

6. Fungal infections

Girls who have yet to puberty and suffering from type 1 diabetes may have a yeast infection in her vagina. Infants with type 1 diabetes may also be experiencing diaper rash because of the fungus.

If the symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children was not immediately known, the child may experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bad breath, difficulty breathing, and even loss of consciousness. This happens because the substances formed in the ketone body. This condition is commonly referred to with Ketoacidosis.

How to care for a child with type 1 diabetes?

Type Diabetes In Chlidren
Type Diabetes In Chlidren
Diabetes in adults requires regular treatment, especially if it occurs in children. However, this probably will be lighter if you already know how to take care of him and have become accustomed to doing it. Routine control blood sugar levels and taking medication, as well as a healthier lifestyle may make the disease type 1 diabetes in children is always awake.

Here are the things that must be done while taking care of children with diabetes:

  • Check your child's blood sugar levels several times a day. You can do this before or after the child's activities, such as eating or exercise, to know how certain foods or activities influence on blood sugar levels. 
  • Giving insulin injections in children with routine. Do it carefully and give a sense of the children that he should get it. Sometimes children may feel scared and angry at the moment will be given an injection.
  • Make it a habit to eat with children balanced nutrition, especially note how many and what types of food sources of carbohydrate should be consumed. Note also the time to eat children. Children should eat regularly so that your blood sugar levels are always awake.
  • The children make it a habit of doing exercise regularly. Exercise can help keep your blood sugar levels.
  • Check with your child's health condition to doctors with the routine. Build partnership well with your doctor, so that blood sugar levels is always controlled and children avoid the complications of diabetes, such as heart disease, stroke, vision problems, kidney problems, and so on.

Preferably, you also know the signs children's blood sugar levels low or high. This can help you anticipate the bad things that might happen.

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