Type 1 Diabetes Cure

Type 1 Diabetes Cure-Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease which is characterized by the body's inability to produce insulin due to autoimmune damage to the beta cells in the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes is most common in childhood, but the disease can also develop in adults in their 30 's and early 40 's.

Type 1 Diabetes Cure
Type 1 Diabetes Cure

The latest research in Taiwan shows that enterovirus infections can be associated with an increased risk of type 1 diabetes
National Taiwan research has produced evidence linking the enterovirus infections with the development of type 1 diabetes in children younger than age 18.

Researchers looking at the data from Taiwan's national health insurance system of the 2000-2007 and found a total of 570,133 children suffering from enterovirus infections during that time. The data showed the overall incidence of type 1 diabetes are higher in teenagers who have been infected by enterovirus, to the ratio of the incidence rate of 1.48 children who are infected.

Signs and symptoms of type 1 Diabetes

The classic symptoms of diabetes type 1 are as follows:

  • Poliuria – a symptom of a medical form of abnormalities frequency diaeresis/urination as a result of the excess urine production.
  • polydipsia – i.e., excessive thirst.
  • polifagia – i.e., excessive hunger.
  • Weight loss unexplained.
  • Other symptoms may include fatigue, nausea and blurred vision.

Diagnosis of type 1 Diabetes

Diagnostic criteria by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) include the following:

  • The fasting plasma glucose (FPG)? 126 mg/DL (7.0 mmol/L), or
  • Plasma glucose levels two hours after eating? 200 mg/DL (11.1 mmol/L).
  • Random plasma glucose? 200 mg/DL (11.1 mmol/L) in patients with classic symptoms of Hyperglycemia or crisis hiperglikemik.Laboratory studies.

Fingerstick glucose test is suitable for almost all patients with diabetes. Fingerstick glucose levels all capillaries have to be confirmed in the serum or plasma to make a diagnosis. All other laboratory studies should be selected or eliminated based on individual clinical situation.

The International Expert Committee appointed by the ADA, The European Association for the Study of Diabetes, and The International Diabetes Association recommends testing HbA1c to diagnose type 1 diabetes only when this condition is suspected but the classical symptoms is not present. [3]

  • Screening

Screening for type 2 diabetes patients who are at risk is low is not recommended. However, in patients with high risk (e.g., people who have a first-degree relative with type 1 diabetes), it may be appropriate to conduct an annual screening before the age of 10, along with 1 additional checks during adolescence.
Living with type 1 Diabetes

  • Glycemic Control

THERE are recommending using the patient's age as one of the considerations in the determination of the Glycemic goals, with different targets for preprandial, sleep overnight, and the level of hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in patients aged 0-6, 6-12, and 13-19 years. Tight glycemic control benefits includes not only the continued decline in the rate of microvascular complications, but also a significant difference in cardiovascular events and death overall.

  • Monitor Yourself

Optimal diabetes control requires self monitoring blood glucose levels frequently, allowing rational adjustments in insulin doses. All patients with type 1 diabetes must learn how to self monitor blood glucose levels and record them with the home-based analysis and adjust insulin doses accordingly.

Continuous monitoring using continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) can help patients improve glycemic control. CGMs contain sensors that measure the subcutaneous interstitial glucose levels every 1-5 minutes, gave the alarm when glucose levels are too high or too low or rapidly rising or falling.

  • Insulin Therapy

Patients with type 1 diabetes require insulin therapy for life. Most require 2 or more insulin injections per day, with doses adjusted on the basis of self monitor blood glucose levels. Insulin replacement is done by providing the basal insulin and preprandial insulin.

  • Diet and activity

All patients who use insulin must have a comprehensive diet plan, created with the help of a professional dietitian, which include:
A daily intake of calorie menu – see: Menu Foods Diabetes mellitus
Diet recommendations for the amount of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
Instructions on how to divide the calories in between meals and

Exercise is also an important aspect of diabetes management. Patients should be encouraged to exercise regularly.

Read more: Type 1 Diabetes Diet-foods that ought to ne'er be placed on the diet

 Can type 1 Diabetes be cured?

Type 1 Diabetes Cure
Type 1 Diabetes Cure

In people with DM type 1 immune system attacks the pancreatic beta cells in which produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that served to turn sugar into energy for the cells of our body. When the immune system attacks the pancreatic beta cells, as a result, sufferers of type 1 diabetes must inject insulin daily.

The question diabetes mellitus type 1 could be cured? Medical experts struggled to find a solution or treatment that is right for healing the patients type 1 diabetes, they finally found the Heatshock proteins, which ,when injected in the patient's body, then believed to be able to act as bait for the our immune systems, as a result of pancreatic beta cells are not destroyed but this protein.

This must be encouraging news for the type 1 diabetic patients. But unfortunately this therapy is effective only in patients who have pancreatic beta cells that are still alive, but most type 1 diabetics have lost entire his pancreatic beta cells.

An alternative that might be able to do is to use herbal medicines that can restore the pancreatic beta cells to produce insulin as usual. One of the solutions that you can try is to use herbal medicine diabetes mellitus natural K-Muricata and Amazonian Berries.

Method Of Handling Hypoglycemia

When your blood sugar levels are too low, you may experience hypoglycemia. This condition can occur in all people with diabetes, but generally occurs in people with type 1 diabetes.

Some of the symptoms to a mild hypoglycemia was limp,and hungry. This condition can be overcome by consuming food or drink sugary fizzy drinks, for example (not the type of diet), sugar, or raisins. Pure glucose in the form of tablets or liquid can also be consumed to tackle hypoglycemia quickly.

Severe hypoglycemia results in diabetics felt dazed, sleepy, even loss of consciousness. Diabetics who experience this condition should be given a shot of glucagon (a hormone that can increase blood sugar levels quickly) directly on the muscle or vein.

Loss of consciousness due to hypoglycemia means Hypoglycemia may recur again several hours later. Therefore, rest and make sure there are accompanying you.

You will need medical help as soon as possible and the injection of glucagon again if you still feel sleepy or not sober up for 10 minutes after receiving an injection of glucagon on the muscles.

Treatment with Transplantation Islet

Islet transplantation may also be able to help most sufferers of type 1 diabetes. In this process, islet cell obtained from a deceased donor and in flush into the pancreas sufferers of type 1 diabetes. Islet cell is a type of pancreatic cells that produces insulin.

Treatment with Pancreatic Transplantation 

Pancreas transplantation can restore the body's glucose control capability, particularly for people with type 1 diabetes with fluctuating conditions or have blood sugar levels that are not stable. However, this procedure is high risk because it takes a process of immunosuppression that is more dangerous than insulin replacement therapy so that only it is recommended along with or after a kidney transplant.

Other drugs to reduce the risk of complications

Type 1 diabetics have a higher risk of experiencing complications, such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. Therefore the doctor will probably recommend that the following medications to reduce risk, such as:

Statins to reduce levels of cholesterol high.

 High blood pressure-lowering drugs.

ACE inhibitor drugs, such as enalapril, lisinopril, ramipril, or if there are indications of diabetic kidney disease. The progression of the disease that is characterized by the presence of the protein albumin in urine it can be controlled if promptly treated.
Low-dose aspirin to prevent stroke.

In addition to handling ,medical, implement a healthy lifestyle can also help in dealing with type 1 diabetes. For example by doing the low-carb diet, sufficient exercise, and avoiding stress.

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