How to Prevent Obesity in a Natural Way

How to prevent obesity-Obesity is becoming one of the very important concern for all people. Initially obesity is often a problem for the population in the developed countries. But now that obesity is also widely attacked residents in developing countries such as Indonesia. Obesity is a condition when the body has a lot of fat. Physically suffering from obesity would look obese or extremely obese. Generally people suffering from obesity BMI value will have greater than 14. 

How to Prevent Obesity
How to Prevent Obesity

The most dangerous of obesity is the body more susceptible to complications such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease so that he had to do how to prevent obesity in order not immediately continued.

Remember, there are many critical illnesses complications that can occur in obese people, then we need to avoid or prevent obesity. Here are some ways to prevent obesity and how to maintain the health of the body you can do.

1. Give BREAST MILK to a baby

Baby 0-24 months of age also highly vulnerable, exposed to obesity. Obesity can be factored come from parents as well as talent from the baby's body. To prevent obesity in infants with ages between 0-24 of the month is to provide breast milk. BREAST MILK is better than an extra milk that is often given by the parents. BREAST MILK contains nutrients that are full and balanced with the needs of the baby itself. While the additional milk as milk formula is indeed preferred and practical,l but can cause obesity. Extra milk is also loaded with nutrients, but contain more sugar and some other additional substances.

2. Let the Child do activities outside the home

Children are also particularly vulnerable affected by obesity. Changing times provide a very special and full of children. Because it's now a lot of children who prefer to stay in the House to play with the gadgets or look at television. This habit can make increased weight because children less physical movement. To address this then the children should be allowed to play outdoors with the supervision of a parent or adult. Give some traditional games that require a lot of movement. Besides inviting children to play with a lot of friends so as to trigger physical movement the better.

3. Adjust your eating habits within the family

If you are already married and then prevent obesity could be done simultaneously. You can apply the rules like eating with your family on a regular basis. The event will encourage all members of your family have the right meal hours. This habit is very good for weight loss. Avoid giving snacks overload in children and thus invite the child to eat together. This way will also help teach kids to have better eating habits.

4. Give an example of healthy food for children

Parents should be able to be a good example for children. Kids can understand about the types of food and how good eating. Can you give an example like eating vegetables when eating together. Then teach kids to consume the fruits that can nourish the body. This example will help children recognize the pattern of a good meal since childhood. While parents can maintain weight naturally.

5. Reduce the Time Viewed TV

See the different types of events and entertainment in front of the television is indeed very nice. You can get the entertainment and the mind to be not too depressed.But if the habit is done continuously thus can reduce physical activity. Besides, it can also increase the weight. View the television will make the agency you are in the same position for some time. Even if you move the channels with the remote then physical activity also becomes very limited. Therefore, we recommend that you use the time off not only to look at the TV but, can get out of the House, cleaning up the yard, tending flowers or just a walk in the Park.

6. Make it a habit to eat Slowly

Is slowly eating habits can also help prevent obesity. When you eat more quickly because the rush or habits than your stomach to receive many foods that are not smooth. This causes the digestive organs are working very slowly to soften food. The absorption of the nutrients the food became very slow and there are a lot of carbs that settles in the body. Body metabolism is also running very slow and make all body organs can not work properly. That's why eating too fast will make obesity.

7. Stop eating Before Fullness

Habit stops eating before fullness is also very good for your body. You can get a better metabolism system. This habit will arrange all the digestive organs. When your body receives food that suits the needs of the body, then there occurs a buildup of food substances in the body. Your body only receives food when hungry and stop before the already full. Abdominal organs you become healthier and can prevent obesity.

8. Eat When Hungry

A lot of people go wrong when eating, habits are related to the time when eating just because it wanted to. You eat just because want to eat while the body may not need food. Or if your body is actually not yet in need of food. Then this habit will encourage you to consume food companion or snacks. Snacks contain lots of calories can increase the weight quickly. Because it was a habit only eat when you are hungry, including eating snacks.

9. Restrict Excessive Fat Consumption

One of the triggers of overweight or obesity is the habit of consuming foods that contain fat. When you consume fatty food, then you should be aware of what their impact to your body. Indeed, fat needed by the body as a source of energy or energy, but when the numbers are exaggerated so fat will just accumulate. While the fat burning process takes longer than when you put the fat into the body. So limit the habit of consuming excessive fat.

10. Drink enough water

Many people have bad habits such as not drinking enough. There are various reasons that developed as uncomfortable, cause flu or fresh tasteless attractive. To overcome this you can use the special sizes of bottles, e.g. bottle of mineral water with a capacity of 1 or half liter. Drinking enough water will help prevent obesity with a very natural way. The water will keep the fluid balance in the body and keep the metabolism process goes well. That's because water is very important to keep the body from obesity.

11. Drink low-fat Milk

The habit of drinking milk is very good for the body. Milk contains a lot of minerals such as calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Calcium is important for bone growth and density of support. Whereas potassium will encourage the body has a healthy heartbeat. Phosphorus will assist the body in absorbing vitamins and other minerals.But should avoid drinking too much milk that contains lots of fat. You can replace it with low-fat milk are healthier. It feels really fresh and more savory, but this milk is healthy.

12. Reduce fried foods

A habit that is very much going on in the society is consuming fried foods. Especially when the rainy season than fried foods are considered food warmers. But all kinds of fried foods with vegetable oil can contain fat. This type of saturated fat will go into the blood vessels and increase the amount of cholesterol. If there is a buildup of cholesterol then it could lead to obesity. Therefore, limit the consumption of fried foods.

13. Use olive oil or Canola oil

If you still prefer consuming fried foods, then you could try a few different ways. One of them is replacing the vegetable oil with olive oil or canola oil. Olive oil and canola oil contains unsaturated fats are healthier. These oils can decrease the content of cholesterol in the body. It also does not contain trans fat so that it can make your heart be healthy. You can add olive oil for salads and is very healthy.

 14. Replace Your cooking methods

Do you still often cooking food by way of deep fried? Yes, this includes how to cook an easy and can make a delicious flavor. But fried foods are indeed less healthy and can make your body a lot of fat or cholesterol build-up. Therefore, you could try to replace fried foods with ways in roast, steamed or boiled. This way of cooking is more secure because it does not add the amount of fat and cholesterol in the diet.

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