Diabetes Dry-Symptoms,Causes,Treatment & Prevention

Diabetes Dry-Diabetes is a health disorder caused due to the levels of sugar in the blood is increased and exceeded the normal limit. Diabetes often experienced by someone misbehaving obesity (overweight) or people who have aged. However, children, adults, or the person who has been productive can also be affected by this disorder.

Diabetes Dry
Diabetes Dry

Diabetes can be classified into three, namely

Diabetes type 1 , that is caused by damage to or an unwillingness of the hormone insulin in the body.
Type 2 Diabetes, i.e. diabetes that occurs due to the inability of the hormone insulin to control sugar levels in the blood
Diabetes gestasional diabetes disorder, i.e., that occurred during the period of pregnancy.

In diabetes is also known the term diabetes dry, wet, or diabetes diabetic disease offspring. This time we will discuss first about diabetes.

What Is Diabetes Dry??

Diabetes dry is part of a diabetes disorder where it is characterised by the body condition of diabetics looks thin and dry. Diabetes dry is a sign of early onset type 2 diabetes, insulin in the body, in which the sufferer has experienced damage, resulting in immune to the content of glucose in the blood

. In this case, insulin can no longer afford to convert glycogen into glucose in the blood, which in turn can lead to increased levels of sugar in the blood exceeds its normal limits, that is 150 mg/dl.

The characteristics of Diabetic Dry 

Someone who has signs or characteristics given below should be vigilant, who knew she was having a diabetic disorders of this type. Among the features are:
• A dry diabetics will be easy to feel hunger. This is caused due to an increase in glucose that cannot be transmitted to the rest of the cells in the body.
• Mouth looks dry, caused by excessive dehydration
• The incidence of mouth odor on breath sufferers caused by fat burning results along with acetone as a source of energy that produces ketones, namely a substance resembling it smells fruity.
• The vision becomes blurry, which occur due to the high levels of glucose in the blood that can affect the eyes.
• Onset of soreness in the muscles caused by dehydration.
• The Agency become easily fatigued, weak or lethargic
• The incidence of wound on the skin, it is difficult to dry out
• Swelling in the feet
• Skin is itching
• Easy sleepy
• Weight loss continues to decline
• Headache

The cause of Diabetes is dry 

Some of the causes of the occurrence of diabetes dry among others are:
• Irregular eating patterns, i.e. such as consume foods that are too sweet, light snack, soft drink, as well as other types of junk food.
• Experience a disruption of the dangers of obesity (overweight)
• Genetic factors or descent
• The use of chemical-based medicine
• Less rest and exercise
• Stress
Prevention of Diabetic dry
Here's how to prevent and control diabetes dry:

This can be done by means of:
• Check blood sugar levels regularly
• Anti diabetic drugs Consume

2. Always keep your food intake

Keep your intake of calories in the body is an important step to prevent the onset of diabetes. The intake of foods that contain excess calories can lead to obesity as one of the causes of this disorder. To that end, should avoid the consumption of foods or drinks that are too sweet.

3. Exercise regularly

By doing sports activities on a regular basis can help to maintain normal body weight, so as to avoid disturbance of obesity. In addition, exercise can also help to control sugar levels in the blood.

4. Avoid stress

Stress has a role that is just as great the occurrence of diabetic disorders, namely, trigger insulin resistance so the sugar levels become uncontrolled. In addition, the causes of stress can also increase the risk of obesity, and high blood pressure.

5. Avoid smoking

Dangers of smoking can increase the risk of the occurrence of diabetes. To that end,we recommend that you avoid these habits.

Treatment Of Diabetic Dry

Management to address diabetes dry there are a number of ways, such as:

1. Consume healthy foods

It is important for diabetics to prefer consume foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Food sources rich in fiber is usually has a low glycemic index, so it can help control the sugar levels in the blood.

2. Do a physical activity regularly

A sufferer of the symptoms of diabetes is strongly recommended to always perform a routine physical activity such as exercise to help lower the levels of sugar in the blood. These exercises can be either light aerobics, swimming, jogging, or other types of sports.

3. Monitor the levels of sugar in the blood

Sometimes, a person's blood sugar levels are very difficult to predict. To that end, diabetics should diligently to control blood sugar to the doctor.

4. With insulin therapy

This therapy by using several types of medicines such as:
• Metformin, i.e. a type of drug that is prescribed to diabetes patients who point to increase the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin so the body can use insulin more effectively. In addition, these drugs also can lower glucose production in the liver organ. The use of these medications can cause side effects such as nausea and diarrhea.
• Sulfonilurea, i.e. a type of drug that is useful for increasing the amount of insulin production. Examples of these drugs include glyburide (DiaBeta as and Glynase), glipizide (Glucotrol-like), and glimepiride (Amaryl-like). The side effects of these drugs is the drop in sugar levels and weight gain patients.
• Meglitinides, this medicine works like sulfonilurea that is by producing more insulin. However, the system of work from this drug faster than sulfonilurea. An example of this is the drug repaglinide (Prandin) and nateglinide (Starlix).
• Thiazolidinediones, i.e. a type of medication that can make the tissues of the body more sensitive to insulin. Side effects from the use of this medication include weight gain, increased risk of heart failure and bone fractures. Examples of this include the Drug Rosiglitazone (Avandia) and pioglitazone (Actos).
• DPP-4 inhibitor, that is the kind of medicine that can help reduce blood sugar levels, with side effects that tend to be smaller. Examples of these drugs include sitagliptin (Januvia), saxagliptin (Onglyza) and linagliptin (Tradjenta).
• GLP-1 receptor agonists, namely the type of medication that can slow down the digestion process and help to lower blood sugar levels. Side effects that may be caused among other things is the nausea, and can increase the risk of pancreatitis. Examples of this include drug Exenatide (Byetta) and liraglutide (Victoza).

5. Bariatric Surgery

The operation is done by means of cutting off a portion of the small intestine that has an effect to lower blood sugar levels. The risk that could be posed, among others, is the lack of nutrients in the body, osteoporosis, as well as death.

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