How to prevent Diabetes with a healthy diet?

The factors that trigger the disease diabetes is a lifestyle, a lifestyle is more specifically a mention is the diet of a person. For example, if someone who liked eating sweet and likes to consume snacks, drinks, sweets or even a day more than 5 glasses of sweet tea, soft drink and more, these people will have diabetes trend affected. Workers ' diet may be influenced by environmental factors, and some habit that drives to consume foods that are sweet.

How to prevent Diabetes with
How to prevent Diabetes with 

For example, if in one family of a mother who likes sweet food, and every day to cultivate or provide foods that contain calories and high sugar levels, then this habit will also affect the pattern of eating his children, language simply put, this habit will be relegated to his children, which is then the result of this habit will appear on his descendants.

Resolve Diabetes with Dietary Change

If the cause of diabetes is a result of poor eating patterns a person is by changing diet . This diet is the only way to recover or avoid diabetes. If this diet is not done, then any typeof diabetes treatment will not be too impacted the health of sufferers of diabetes 

Regulate his diet or diet is the only way the most potent for diabetics to get blood sugar levels back to normal. Because any treatment could not replace the diet. If eating patterns cause diabetes, then to heal is by improving his diet first, then followed by treatment of diabetes either traditionally or chemical drugs.

A pattern of healthy eating for Diabetes Sufferers

 The focus of treatment of diabetes is controlling blood sugar in the normal position. A healthy diet and exercise regularly can maintain weight loss diabetics can be more controlled, did not experience a significant improvement, if need to diet and exercise for patients with diabetes it can lose weight sufferers diabetes. Weight loss is very effective on decreasing blood sugar levels in the body.
Actually, there is no special diet that is recommended for diabetics. Because this diet is the same as that recommended to everyone to live a healthy life pattern.

The important point to note in consuming food for diabetics is:
• Contain high nutrients.
The high nutritional value of its nutritional value would be a sure means of food consumed.
• Low fat
Choose foods with a low fat content, reduce the kind of fried foods, and snacks with high fat content.
• Low calorie or calorie containing only sparingly.
This calorie value adapted to the needs of the body, eats with calorie consumption to taste.

Three points are becoming the key points to note not only diabetics, but for every person who craved healthy living.
Diabetic Diet Tips easy to put into practice
High Carbs are a trigger rising blood sugar in the body. If diabetics do not do certain carbohydrate diets will experience hardship to lower blood sugar. This is not a carbohydrate diet tells us must leave the CARB at all, but that is needed is carefully chosen carbohydrate to meet the daily requirement.

If accustomed to eat white rice in a large portion, it is time to reduce the portions. If necessary, replace white rice with a kind of staple foods that are high in fiber, such as brown rice, or wheat. Leave fresh bread made from flour, but select fresh bread with wheat.
Generally, people with diabetes are encouraged to consume complex carbohydrates and the types of foods that have a high fiber. Types of foods with complex carbohydrates and fibrous, high it will take longer to digest, so that could help its normal blood sugar, can evoke greater energy for the body and that is not less important as creating a sense of fullness last longer.

The average intake of nutrients it needs of diabetics:
• Carbohydrates such as rice contained in 50-60% of calorie needs
• Protein (meat, eggs, etc.) 10-15% of the calories needed by the body.
• FAT (from foods containing unsaturated fats are good): 20-25% of daily calorie needs.
• Fibre (green vegetables, etc.): 25 grams/day
In addition to the food that needs to be noted, that diabetics should also reduce even, under certain conditions can nullify the sweet drinks, such as soft drink, fruit juice with added sugar. Snacks that contain high sugar levels also need to be left out, replace with healthy snacks that are rich in protein and fiber.

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