Gestational Diabetes Medication & How to prevent

Some women with diabetes gestational can control their blood sugar levels by changing your diet and exercising regularly. In addition, you can do some therapy treatment.

Gestational Diabetes Medication
Gestational Diabetes Medication

Check your blood sugar levels

The most important part in treating diabetes gestational is checking blood sugar levels regularly. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes should also be checked his blood sugar levels with the routine.
Blood glucose levels are typically measured from the number of millimoles of glucose that is present in one liter of blood. Millimoles is a measurement that determines the amount of glucose in your blood. Measurements are expressed with millimoles per liter, or mmol/l.

Individual target mmol/l you will be set for you by your doctor. 
These may include target mmol for you:

• Fasting blood Glucose (after You had packed for about 8 hours-Usually first thing in the morning)
• Postprandial blood glucose (1 or 2 hours after you eat)
The doctor will explain when and how often you need to measure the glucose levels in your blood. You may need to test your fasting blood glucose levels and your normal blood sugar after eating during your pregnancy. If your diabetes being treated with insulin, you may need to frequently test the glucose in your blood before sleeping at night.

Once you know that you have diabetes gestational, you should limit the amount of carbohydrates that you eat as a way to control blood sugar. First, for those of you who are too fat or obese, the deduction must be made significantly.

Packed as usual 

Don't miss the jam packed, and always have balance Your food menu which includes carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (GI) so you can absorb carbohydrates is slower, which helps keep your blood sugar levels stable in between meals.
You can choose between oatmeal, pasta or rice; bread with wheat and rye; or tubers such as potato, cassava, and sweet potatoes. Varieties of high-fiber foods mealy will also help your digestive system and prevents constipation.

Glycemic Index of foods

Glycemic Index is a measure of how much a food effect in raising blood sugar levels. Foods with a high glycemic index foods are digested and absorbed fast so that blood sugar levels will rise rapidly in a significant way. Foods with low glycemic index experienced digestion and absorption of a slower so that increased levels of glucose and insulin in the blood will happen slowly. Don't be too rigid and obsessed on glycemic index standard. Keep on running a balanced diet that you like.

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit

You are also advised to eat foods high in fiber. Fresh fruits and vegetables are very important in this context. You should consume at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. However, you only need to eat 1 portion of fruit every meal and no more than 3 servings a day. Better to avoid the consumption of fruit juices. Try to combine legumes such as beans, groundnuts, beans, red beans, and green beans.

Limit the consumption of sugar and sugary foods

You don't have to avoid sugar. Sugar can You combine with a range of food and cake, but you should be careful with mecampurkan sugar into your menu. Drink sugar-free drinks, or fruit juice, sweet drinks replace which can reduce the amount of consumption of sugar in your menu.
You may also be prompted to choose a protein not fatty like fish. Eat 2 servings of fish a week, one of which should be oily fish, such as sardines or mackerel. There are some fish that shouldn't be eaten too much, such as tuna.
Unsaturated fats

It is better to eat a balanced diet with polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Some types of unsaturated fats can keep your immune system stays healthy and can also reduce cholesterol levels.

Foods containing unsaturated fats are:
• Nuts and seeds
• Avocado
• Jam made from sunflower, olive, fruit and vegetable oil

If Your body mass index over 27 before you get pregnant, you may be advised to reduce the amount of calories in your diet. You can use a healthy weight calculator to calculate Your body mass index-but remember to measure your weight before getting pregnant.
The doctor, midwife, doctor or diabetes You will suggest how many calories you should eat in a day, and the safest way to reduce the calories from your diet.


Physical activity or exercise can lower glucose levels in your blood, so that regular exercise can be an effective way to treat diabetes gestational. The doctor, midwife or doctor your diabetes can give advice on the safest way to workout during pregnancy.
If Your body mass index over 27 before you get pregnant, you may be advised to exercise moderately for at least 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) in a week.
This could be an activity that makes you a little out of breath and raise Your heart rate, such as cycling or walking fast.


If diet and exercise do not effectively control gestational diabetes, you after 1-2 week, you may be given a prescription drug. Time may vary depending on Your glucose levels.
There are several types of medications are available, and the choice will depend on:
• What would be the most effective way to control your blood glucose?
• What is most possible for You?
The possibility of a drug includes:
• Insulin
• Metformin in tablet form
These medicines will be terminated soon after granting the birth of your baby.

Treatment at home

What are the changes in lifestyle or home-based treatment that can be done to overcome the gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy)?
Here are lifestyle and home remedies that can help you cope with diabetes gestational. ¬ Follow the instructions from your doctor, do not use drugs without a prescription or stop treatment courtesy of a doctor
• Schedule a re-examination to control the progression of the disease and your health
• Avoid fatty food or sweet
• Limit foods such as bread, meal, noodles, rice and potatoes
• Eat more fruits and vegetables
• Do more sports such as jogging


If your body does not respond to insulin, you may need insulin injections to ensure your body has enough insulin to lower glucose levels in your blood.
Insulin must be given by way of injected, so you will be informed how:

• How and when to inject yourself?
• How to store insulin and dispose of your needles properly
• Signs and symptoms of low blood sugar
• Driving with insulin regulation and

Insulin is present in several different forms.  This recipe, which will probably be given a doctor to you:

• Insulin Analogue that works fast-usually injected before or after a meal; can work quickly, but did not last long
• Basal Insulin-usually injected at the time sleeping or waking up
Here's how to safely use insulin during pregnancy. However, you will need to monitor Your blood glucose carefully. 

If you are using insulin, you'll need to check out:
• Fasting blood Glucose (once you do not eat for about 8 hours-usually so first thing in the morning)
• Blood glucose when 1 or 2 hours after every meal
• Blood glucose at other times (for example, if you feel unwell or have had hypoglycemia-low blood glucose)
If your blood glucose is down too low, you may be exposed to hypoglycemia.

Drinking cure hypoglycemic

In some cases, you may be given a prescription medication called metformin hypoglycemic drinking instead of insulin. This is a drug that is taken to lower sugar levels in your blood.
Metformin may cause side effects, including:
• Nausea (stomach ache)
• Vomiting
• Stomach cramps and diarrhea (defecation dilutes)
For a complete list of side effects, see information leaflet existing patients in the wrap/box your medication.
Monitor the baby in the womb
If you have diabetes gestational, unborn baby might have a risk of complications, such as a bigger size. Therefore, you may be offered additional appointment antenatal so baby can be monitored during pregnancy. 

Meeting with your doctor may be offered include:
• An ULTRASOUND around week 18-20 your pregnancy, your baby's heart to examine and see signs of the disorder (if Your gestational diabetes is diagnosed during pregnancy, you have information, you may not be prompted to perform an ULTRASOUND)
• ULTRASOUND at week 28, 32, 36 and 38 weeks of routine examination of pregnancy to monitor the growth of your baby and see the amount of amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby in the womb.

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