Gestational Diabetes Insulin

Gestational Diabetes Insulin-Insulin resistance brought the Gestational diabetes, the condition is diagnosed during pregnancy when the body is unable to cope with the extra demand for the production of insulin. The results in the production of insulin is low blood sugar levels high. But could hold the body to insulin also affects women who do not have diabetes diagnosed during their pregnancy? Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, United States, set out to find the answer to this question.

Gestational Diabetes Insulin
Gestational Diabetes Insulin

Their work is reported in the American Journal of Perinatologi March 2016 5,983, including pregnant women. The women routinely diskrining gestational for diabetes between 24 and 28 weeks of their pregnancy. Women who have a small degree of insulin resistance are classified into two groups, according to how much resistance they have...

Mothers with low levels of insulin resistance has a 71 percent greater risk for having an overweight baby than women who are sensitive to insulin.
Mothers with higher levels of insulin resistance, but still without a full-blown Gestational diabetes have more than doubled the risk.
There is also...

The baby early,
More pregnancy induced high blood pressure, and more
Caesarean surgery among women with some degree of insulin resistance without diabetes gestational.
From the results above, it can be concluded under the insulin resistance level of Gestational diabetes is still dangerous for mother and baby.

Babies whose mothers do not process sugar adequately tended to be overweight because they receive too much sugar through the placenta. Big baby can cause shoulder fractures during birth or they have to be born by c-section. High risk of c-section likely caused by an overweight baby that is too large to be born through the vagina.

In early 2003, American Journal of Epidemiology reported the relationship between pregnancy induced high blood pressure or preeclampsia, diabetes and gestational. Four years later, Diabetes Care, a journal of the American Diabetes Association, also commented on the link. Preeclampsia may develop into eclipse, a serious condition brings on seizures.

According to the Mayo Clinic in the United States, high blood sugar levels can cause premature birth...

Premature birth is often associated with respiratory disorder syndromes. Infants with lung immature found it hard to breathe. Their lungs lack Surfactant molecules, which allows the lungs to expand.Newborn babies with respiratory disorder usually need to go to the neonatal intensive care unit plus the use of a ventilator.

Should the criteria for Gestational diabetes is lowered so that the diagnosis, including the mother with a bit rate of insulin resistance? Maybe this will emerge as more research bring relevant information to the fore.

In the meantime, it is important to avoid developing insulin resistance. Maintaining a healthy weight and pregnant women who took part in the exercise which is enough preventive measures.

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