High Cholesterol,Symptoms, Causes,And Medication

High cholesterol or hiperkolesterolemia is a condition where the level of cholesterol in the blood that goes beyond normal levels. 
Cholesterol itself is a waxy, fat compounds are produced primarily in the liver and some other obtained from food. 

High Cholesterol,Symptoms, Causes,And Medication
High Cholesterol,Symptoms, Causes,And Medication

Conditions of high cholesterol can increase the risk of developing a serious illness. The diseases that lurk high cholesterol sufferer usually associated with the presence of excessive cholesterol deposition in blood vessels, such as heart attack and stroke.

According to a report of the WHO in the year 2011, approximately 35 percent of the population of Indonesia have cholesterol levels higher than the normal range is good for health. This means that one third of the population of Indonesia affected artery disease at high risk.

Excess cholesterol can occur due to eating food with high cholesterol content or due to lack of exercise. However, this condition can also occur due to hereditary factors.

About Cholesterol

In fact, cholesterol is needed by the body to help build the new cells so that the body can continue to work normally. In addition, cholesterol also helps the body produce vitamin D, a number of hormones, and bile acids digest fat.

In the blood, cholesterol carried by proteins. Combined, both called lipoproteins. Two main types of lipoproteins of low density lipoprotein is (LDL) commonly referred to as bad cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (HDL) commonly referred to with the good cholesterol.

LDL is in charge of transporting cholesterol from the liver to the organ cells that need. However, if the amount of cholesterol that exceeds needs, then it can be deposited on artery walls and cause disease. On the other hand, HDL, LDL, as opposed to serving transport cholesterol back to the liver organ. In the liver, cholesterol will be destroyed or removed by the body through the feces.

Cholesterol levels in the blood that are recommended can vary, depending on whether the person has the risk of higher or lower for the affected arteries. The amount of cholesterol in the blood can be measured with a blood test.

You should perform an examination of cholesterol levels in the blood if overweight,have high blood pressure, diabetes, or have had other diseases that can increase cholesterol levels.
Diagnosis of cholesterol levels is also recommended if the person has a close familywho suffered from diseases caused by cholesterol, or close family who have a history of cardiovascular disease at an early age.

For those who never have undiagnosed coronary heart disease, stroke, or peripheralartery disease, it is recommended doing this examination as well.

The impact of high cholesterol

When excessive cholesterol deposited on artery walls, then the blood flow in the heart, brain, and other parts of the body can be hampered. In other words, high cholesterol increases the risk of a person exposed to a narrowing of the arteries or atherosclerosis, blood clotting in certain body parts, light strokes, strokes, and heart attacks.

High cholesterol levels can also cause pain in the front part of the chest or arm (angina) when someone is experiencing stress or physical activity. In addition, high cholesterol also increases the risk of someone affected by coronary heart disease.

If it does not change his diet and do not quit smoking, high cholesterol sufferers will be more at risk of stroke or heart disease. On smoking found a chemical called substance Acrolein. This substance can stop the activity of good cholesterol or HDL to transport fat deposits toward the heart. As a result of artery narrowing may occur or atherosclerosis.

In addition, sufferers also increased risk if she suffered from hypertension, diabetes,or have family who suffered from heart disease or stroke.

High cholesterol can also be caused by a genetic condition (descendants) are called familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). Sufferers of this condition, cholesterol levels remain high even though it has been eating healthy foods.

Many factors can cause high cholesterol, one of which is a lifestyle. The following are things that are categorized as unhealthy lifestyle that high risk triggering increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

·        Habits of consuming unhealthy foods. The thing that most influence on cholesterol levels in the blood is high levels of saturated fat in the diet. Foods that are high in fat content between other brain, organ meats, coconut milk a cow, goat, duck meat with the skin, the skin of the chicken, clams, shrimp, calamari,
·        The reluctance to exercise or do physical activity.
·        Especially for those of you who smoke, in smoking found a chemical called Acrolein. This substance can stop the activity of the HDL or good cholesterol to transport the flab from the body towards the heart to be discarded. As a result of artery narrowing may occur or atherosclerosis.
·        Habits of consuming too much alcohol.

Another factor that makes a person more at risk of experiencing high cholesterol is obese and have an excessive waist circumference. For us which includes Asia, obesity means having a body mass index above 25 (kg/m2), while said to be excessive where waist circumference passed 90 cm for men or 80 cm for women. If someone is obese, then he is likely to have levels of bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels and higher levels of good cholesterol are lower.

Triglycerides are another type of fatty substances in the blood. There are several causes of the rise in the levels of triglycerides in the body of a person, inter alia due to genetic factors, obesity, eating too much liquor, and too many are consuming foods that contain sugar or high fat.

Other factors

In addition to lifestyle, there are several conditions that can change a person's cholesterol level be high, including high blood pressure and diabetes, the less active thyroid gland, liver disease, and kidney disease. Treat underlying conditions that may help lower cholesterol levels.

High cholesterol is also vulnerable experienced by certain race-race in the world. Someone who was Bangladesh, India, Sri lanka, Pakistan or a higher risk of getting high cholesterol. In addition to the races, the age also is a deciding factor. As the population ages, the risk of narrowing of the arteries or atherosclerosis terena was further increased.

Another factor is a family history or genetic. High cholesterol is a condition that occurs in the family is called familial hypercholesterolaemia. One of the five hundred people inherits this condition of the elderly. A person who has this condition, usually cannot remove excess cholesterol found in the blood. And for those who are living with high cholesterol levels, meaning a risk to get a heart disorder early.

You're more vulnerable, exposed high cholesterol if the family man (the father or siblings) stroke or coronary heart disease under the age of 55 years. You are also prone to have high cholesterol if Your female family (mother or sister) stroke or high blood under the age of 65 years.

How to prevent or lower cholesterol levels

A healthy lifestyle is indispensable in dealing with conditions of high cholesterol. Eat a nutritious and balanced healthy food is one of the main steps that can be done in preventing or lowering cholesterol levels. The fat content in food should be low. Try to replace the consumption of foods containing saturated fat with fruits and vegetables, and whole grains (whole wheat bread for example). 

That way, the cholesterol levels in the body will remain low. In addition to a healthy diet, soon started doing sports regularly and lose weight for experiencing overweight. No less important, avoid smoking.

If the above suggestions still are not capable of lowering your cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease remain lurking, you should check with your doctor. The doctor will usually perform the treatment by giving you a prescription medication, cholesterol-lowering statins, such as.

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