The Dangers of Relationship of Diabetes With The Stomach

Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases that could be linked to other diseases. One is the relationship of diabetes with a stomach condition called gastroparesis or regular. This condition is a progressive disorder that will lead to food remained for a long time, this is because the nerves that are supposed to be able to move the food suffered disruption and damage to the part of the muscle. Therefore, food for diabetics and ulcer must always be maintained.

The dangers of Relationship of diabetes with the stomach

Gastroparesis In Diabetes

The condition of the disorders of the stomach, this will usually be diagnosed in those who have many years of suffering from diabetes or blood sugar condition in the highest stage and very difficult to control. Very high glucose and lasts in time long enough will cause chemical changes in nerves and blood will have an impact on the nerves throughout the body.

Blood glucose with a consistent experience increased gradually will damage ordinary vessels supplying nerves use nutrients and oxygen. Including part of the vagus nerve and finally this is what causes diabetics undergoing gastroparesin. Because the condition is progressive disease as well as some of the symptoms of other diseases such as chronic gastritis will quickly strike unawares.

Symptoms Gastropesis

Some of the symptoms likely obtained by diabetics who experience gastropesis include:

1.     Feel the heartburn on the stomach even accompanied by nausea
2.     Food consumed cannot be digested so that even vomited again
3.     Experience a decrease in body weight
4.     Bloating
5.     The longer the more appetite decreased
6.     Blood sugar levels very difficult controlled normal
7.     Experiencing spasms in the stomach
8.     Experience of gastric acid reflux

Anyone who can get this risk?

A very risky getting this condition is female diabetics who have weight very excessively or obesity. Other conditions may also arise is because sufferers never get a stomach operation before. Meanwhile, diseases and other conditions other than diabetes that can lead to gastric disorders are due to infection because the virus is a barrier to take medication, digestive,

How To Cope With Gastroparesis

If you have gastroparesis symptoms you should avoid foods that are still in the raw state, avoid also broccoli, milk, ice cream, carbonated beverages and fruit that contain lots of gas. Try the consumption of diet menu in diabetics.

The doctor also will likely recommend you to consume soft food for easy digestion and keep the body in order to avoid the risk of dehydration, especially if sufferers get symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Gastoparesis also usually can be resolved by making a healthy diet program as well as controlling blood sugar condition included in the use of insulin for those who suffer from diabetes type 1 and type 2. There are also doctors who recommend to consume food that is completely liquid.

Another treatment which can also be done is do electrical stimulation on the hull that will be done in people with gastroparesis who have entered in chronic phase. Later there will be a process of installation of implants to the stomach, then give eletektrik to the energies of the nerves and smooth muscle portions. This will be very helpful, especially for alleviating nausea, vomiting resulted in people with gastroparesis. In the case that has been very severe, there's just the sufferer should utilize the hose to place the food in the body fluids. You can also try the vegetables that should not be consumed in diabetics.

That's the danger of relationship of diabetes with the stomach, it can avoid such risks by improving the pattern of living healthier, longer and avoid foods that contain too much gas because it is very risky.

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