High Blood Sugar in Pregnancy&Tips For Pregnant Women Suffering From Diabetes

Pregnancy is a very important time critical, both emotionally and physiologically. Keeping blood sugar levels in the normal range during pregnancy help prevent serious problems for the mother and the baby itself.

High Blood Sugar in Pregnancy
High Blood Sugar in Pregnancy

Prenatal handling early on in the discipline is an essential part to assess the risks if you have any history of diabetes and to make sure blood sugar levels remained normal.

If you know that you are beginning or are pregnant but have yet to do a prenatal care, immediately visit a doctor or midwife to regained accurate information.

Normal blood sugar levels in pregnant women without diabetes

High Blood Sugar in Pregnancy
High Blood Sugar in Pregnancy

The rules for normal pregnant women without diabetes

  • Fasting glucose levels – average varies between 69 and 75 mg/dL mg/dL
  • Blood sugar levels after a meal one hour between 105 mg/dL being 108 mg/dL.

If you have a history of diabetes or have diabetes didagnosa gestasional, it is important for you to keep your blood sugar is not too high but also not too low.

Blood sugar levels are not normal symptoms of gestational Diabetes
During pregnancy, you'll do two tests glucose tolerance by the nurses health

1. First blood sugar Tests

The first test, is usually done between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy after you, you were given a drink 50 g sugar solution, then the doctor or midwife will check your blood glucose levels after one hour.

If your blood sugar levels above 130 mg/DL, the doctor will perform tests, glucose tolerance both the fasting blood glucose levels are measured hourly for 2 to 3 hours later.

2. Blood sugar Tests to two

If the first test fasting glucose levels higher than 95 mg/dL, an hour later above 180mg/dL, two hours later more 155 mg/DL or on three hours later blood sugar levels more than 140 mg/DL, then you will be positively diagnosed diabetes gestational.

Normal blood sugar levels on average on pregnant women
According to Teri l. Hernandez, et al article on Diabetes Care, you should be able to control your blood sugar levels normal average

Blood sugar average normal pregnant women

  • Fasting blood sugar levels: 70.9 ± 7.8 mg/dl (3.94 ± 0.43 mmol/L).
  • 1 hour blood sugar levels after a meal: 108.9 ± 12.9 mg/dl (6.05 ± 0.72 mmol/L).
  • Sugar levels two hours after: 99.3 ± 10.2 mg/dl (5.52 ± 0.57 mmol/L).

Average blood sugar is normal for a pregnant diabetic mother

  • Fasting blood sugar levels: 79 mg/dl (4.4 mmol/L).
  • 1 hour blood sugar levels after a meal: 122 mg/dl (6.8 mmol/L).
  • Sugar levels two hours after: 110 m/gdl (6.1 mmol/L).

Your challenge during pregnancy is how to lower bloodsugar but not too low because the hypoglycemic may cause interference to Your fetus. Routine visit Your doctor or midwife to get a healthy diet during pregnancy.

Tips For Pregnant Women Suffering From Diabetes

High Blood Sugar in Pregnancy
High Blood Sugar in Pregnancy

Pregnant Diabetics should pay attention to health and blood sugar levels with more regularly. No need to be concerned will be maternal and child health if tips for pregnant women with diabetes are applied.

Pregnant has become its own challenges for the expectant mother. Moreover, if the prospective mother turns out to be suffering from diabetes, whether type 1 or 2 diabetes. In addition to having to deal with the changes that occur in the body as long as it continues, expectant mothers with diabetes must also carefully monitor and control blood sugar levels themselves.

If before and during pregnancy the mother can maintain and control blood sugar properly, then the chance of giving birth to a healthy baby will increase. In addition, the possibility of another problem due to diabetes or increase the severity of the condition of diabetes during pregnancy more reduced.

Keep your blood sugar in order to keep the pregnancy can be carried out smoothly by doing the tips of pregnant women:

  • Before conceiving, consult in advance with the doctor to examine the effects of diabetes on the body, get advice on how to keep your blood sugar, replace medication (if needed), and other advice.
  • When being pregnant, frequently met with the doctor, from the obstetrician, specialist doctors and specialists, and the diet of pregnant women with diabetes should be more often consult a doctor in order to prevent or detect problems early . Constant examination, ultrasound, blood tests, or Imaging tests may be required for prenatal monitor fetal growth and development.
  • Frequent checking blood sugar levels body. Pregnant body requires more energy, blood sugar levels can change very quickly. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to frequently-frequently check blood sugar levels, at least three times a day to prevent sugar levels are too high or low.
  • drug or insulin Consumption as recommended by the doctor. Don't forget to ready a quick sugar sources such as candy or glucose tablets.
  • healthy eating. Your doctor or specialist may advise dietary or modifies food/beverages consumed in order to prevent high blood sugar levels or lower. For example, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, meats, processed milk products without fat, beans, fish, and foods that contain folic acid. Tips for pregnant women with diabetes this one extremely important to maintaining the stability of blood sugar levels.
  • Sports at least 150 minutes/week or 30 minutes for five days in a week. Before the exercise, first consult a doctor. In addition, always check your blood sugar levels before and after exercising, especially if you use insulin.
  • Why needs to be controlled blood sugar levels during pregnancy?
  • Blood sugar levels are not controlled in pregnant women with diabetes type 1 or 2 may cause complications in children and pregnant women. Complications-complications include are:
  • Macrosomia, namely smaller body size is larger than most babies.
  • the size of the larger small increased risk of difficult to give birth normally. Pregnant women have given birth or induced with the help of caesarean section.
  • right after childbirth, blood sugar levels on the little one is likely to be very low.
  • magnesium and calcium Levels in the body of the small possibility of balance.
  • Influenced the formation of the little organs, causing the defects of the brain, spine, heart, and nervous system.
  • miscarriage.
  • the little one born prematurely or died in the womb.
  • the little one suffered health problems soon after birth (such as heart problems and respiratory).
  • the little risk exposed to obesity or diabetes later in life.
  • at-risk pregnant women suffering from preeclampsia (high blood pressure) that is able to cause a seizure or stroke during labor.
  • Therefore, let the control of sugar levels in the blood of pregnant women with tips as above in order for the period of pregnancy and childbirth process can run smoothly.

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