Cholesterol-Understanding,Causes,And Solutions

Cholesterol was fat in the bloodstream or body cells that are actually needed for the formation of cell walls and as raw material for some hormones. But if excessive blood levels of cholesterol in, then it could lead to diseases, including coronary heart disease and stroke. Normal Cholesterol should be below 200 mg/dl. If the above 240 mg/dl, then you're exposed to a high risk of diseases such as heart attack or stroke.


Cholesterol naturally could be formed by the body, the rest of animal foods such as meat, poultry, fish, cheese, margarine, and milk. As for the food which is derived from vegetables, such as fruit, vegetables, and some grains, contain no cholesterol.

Cholesterol insoluble in blood so that needs to be had, that bind to lipoprotein. Therefore also cholesterol differentiated into Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density Lipoprotein (HDL). You will get the explanation below.

 BAD CHOLESTEROL(Low-Density Lipoprotein)

Cholesterol, LDL is wicked fat because it can accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, especially the small blood vessels that supply nourishment to the heart and brain. Flab that is getting increasingly thick and hard, called arteriosclerosis.
Optimal LDL cholesterol  was when simply applied in blood under 100 mg/dl. Cholesterol, LDL 100-129 mg/dl inclusion category border (borderline). If the above 130 and accompanied factor  other risks such as smoking, chubby, diabetes, did not work out, let alone if it reaches 160 or more, then the drug needs to be given soon.

GOOD KOLESTROL  (High-Density Lipoprotein)

HDL is called cholesterol  fat is good because you can clean up and transport the flab from the walls of the blood vessels to the heart. The ideal cholesterol HDL should be higher than 40 mg/dl for men, or above 50 mg/dl for women.

Causes of low HDL cholesterol were less exercise, too fat, as well as the habit of smoking. In addition, the hormone testosterone in men, anabolic steroids, and progesterone can lower HDL cholesterol, while the female hormone estrogen boosted HDL.

Cholesterol Lp (a)

Cholesterol Lp (a) is a variation of cholesterol LDL. The levels of Lp (a) high is harmful to the heart. The cause of the increase in Lp (a) is not yet clear, it may be related to genetic factors.


Triglycerides are another fat form that can be derived from foods or formed by the body. Have high triglycerides are often followed by cholesterol, total and LDL is high, and low HDL cholesterol.

People suffering from heart pain, diabetes, or obesity, usually have a high triglyceride level. Triglycerides in the blood that normally should be below 150 mg/dl.

Some people have high triglycerides because of another disease or hereditary. If indeed there are hereditary factors, then you should change your lifestyle, starting low-fat diet, regular exercise, lose weight, not smoking, not drinking alcohol as well. You also recommended reducing the consumption of carbohydrates (e.g. rice, noodles or bread) to less than 50 percent of the total amount of calories.

High Levels Of Cholesterol

High Kolestrol commonly suffered by obese people, but does not cover the possibility of skinny people who also can experience it, much less by consuming foods that are low in fat but high in fiber. In addition to the food factor, high cholesterol can also be caused by hereditary factors. Therefore, all those good skinny let alone obese, have never suffered cholesterol let alone ever experienced it, need to keep foods with reduced levels of cholesterol. Here's how among others with fibrous food consumption increased.

Cholesterol was known as trigger a range of health problems, such as hypertension, cardiac disorders, and stroke. In fact, it is the element that cholesterol needed by the body. However, if excessive simply applied in the body will cause a variety of diseases.

If you have a disorder of metabolism in the body, cholesterol then you need to diet, exercising, and additional drugs. You should still consult a physician before taking any medication. A good doctor will provide drugs based on safety factor. Clinical evidence of a drug should also be a consideration if the medicine will be consumed for the long term.

Atorvastatin is one of the drugs the Statins that have had many research or clinical evidence of the pain and decreased risk of death from coronary heart disease and stroke, with a good safety profile.

Nevertheless, then you treat high levels of Cholesterol, of course, better control and control simply applied to stay normal. Well, here's the steps:


Doctors generally recommend that your total cholesterol levels under 200 mg/dl, LDL levels (the evil cholesterol) under number 130, and HDL (the good cholesterol) is above the number 40.


Reduce excess body weight is one of the ways to control the levels of cholesterol in the blood. Research also shows that excess weight can interfere with the body's metabolic processes in destroying the fat.

Even if you only consume less fat, does not mean a decrease in cholesterol levels will soon be visible. In this case, you need to reduce the approximately 2.5 – 4.5 kilograms of weight in order to improve levels of cholesterol.



One way to control cholesterol levels is by exercising regularly. Walking or other types of light sporting more done regularly will help increase HDL levels. Make sure that you work out for 30 minutes in a day and five days a week.




Despite consuming a healthy diet, there is still the possibility of your body lack the element of certain nutrients. To cope with these conditions You need to be taking multivitamins or dietary supplements to fulfill the needs of basic nutrients and lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Should you choose vitamin containing folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12. The reason, the three important beneficial in maintaining heart health.

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