Diabetic Foot-Understanding And Complications

Excess glucose levels in the blood are the cause of many diseases. This condition can cause inflammation and blockages in the blood vessels until complications because the blood cannot flow properly. People with diabetes have high blood sugar levels and tend to be difficult to control. Its impact is damaging to internal organs, in fact members of motion, or often called diabetic foot.

Diabetic foot

What is diabetic foot?

Diabetic foot can be interpreted as a range of complications in the feet found in diabetics. This complication can be shaped any caused damage caused by high blood sugar levels, and if the wounds on the feet will be very easy to infect. The low resistance of the body and the ability of the body that is limited in healing wounds on the feet of diabetics can cause infection to grow worse, it could even happen to disability and must be amputated to break the infection of the feet.

Why the diabetic foot can occur?

There are two important mechanisms in the occurrence of diabetic foot: damage to the blood vessels of the edge (peripheral) and nerve damage (neuropathy).

Damage to the blood vessels of the edge

Condition diabetes causes the problem of blood flow from the heart to the rest of the body. Blood flow from the heart required to recover tissue damage on parts of the body. Without good blood flow, it will be a very difficult wound to heal will not even recovered. Its impact is the death of tissue due to lack of intake of blood (gangrene) and accompanied by a wound (ulceration) a very risky germs infected leg.

Nerve damage

Most people with diabetes are not aware of the existence of the wounds as well as the severity of the wound that continues to grow due to disorders of the nerves (neuropathy) that is caused by damage from high blood sugar levels. Neuropathy condition causes diabetics do not feel pain or pressure in the legs. In addition to its impact on injuries, diabetics who experience neuropathy also have difficulty moving the foot because of nerve disorder with the leg muscles.

These two factors cause the interrelated and cause permanent disability walk in diabetics.

Disorders of the feet that may be experienced by diabetics

Disorders of the feet of diabetics in General is the death of tissue in the legs and can vary due to a variety of factors including infection and the presence of sores on the feet. Following a few annoyances away that may be experienced by people with diabetes:

1. Fungal infections

Yeast infections on the skin of the feet of diabetics are usually caused by Candida albicans. This fungus typically attacks the damp skin, lack of air circulation, and not exposed to sunlight. Candida albicans yeast infection causes itching and Red patches on the surface of the foot. Infection on the surface of the skin by a fungus known as the athlete's foot is characterized by itching, blotches, with chapped skin. It can also occur in toenails that are characterized by a discoloration of the nails become thick brownish yellow, sometimes accompanied by a broken nail.

2. Hammertoes

A disability is often found in people with diabetes that caused a weakening of the toe muscles. The condition of the toes bends down caused the tendon (tissue that connects muscle to bone) becomes shorter. Similar things can also happen on the hallux is curved toward the second toe, known as the bunion. As a result, diabetics can experience difficulty walking, the pain and the buildup of skin around the finger (kalus). It can also be triggered because of pressure on the finger while using the shoes.

3. The Calluses

Callous is a term for a buildup of hard skin (skin of the soles of the feet), due to the difference in weight distribution the heels and soles of the feet. The process of skin buildup will occur more quickly so the calluses faster occurs in individuals who suffered diabetes. Calluses usually triggered by the footwear that does not match the shape of the feet so the pressure at any point of the surface of the foot. Keep in mind, though it causes any discomfort, do not cut the skin due to the buildup of the kalus because it can cause bleeding and ulceration.

4. Ulceration of the feet

Be open wounds take a long time for a closed back. Usually in diabetics, ulceration has been the place most often entered by germs and can infect the foot when not handled as quickly as possible.

Various infections and impaired blood flow to the legs is the leading cause of disability in people with diabetes. If the infection is too severe then walk should be amputated. Early handling of the wound, the selection of footwear, and foot hygiene is key in preventing infection in diabetics. If you have diagnosed diabetes, immediately stop smoking because cigarette smoke may inhibit the flow and speed up the development of foot disorder complications in diabetics.

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