Types of Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body cannot use energy source (glucose) that is present in the blood. These conditions lead to increased blood glucose levels.

There are three types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and diabetes gestational.

Types of Diabetes
types of diabetes

Under normal conditions, carbohydrates and sugar that is consumed will be transformed into a source of energy called glucose. The cells of the body need glucose as energy to run the function. However, the body needs the hormone insulin to absorb glucose from the blood stream and stream it to the various cells of the body.

In case of diabetes, the body's cells cannot use glucose, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, the hormone the body's cells don't respond to insulin normally, or a combination of both.

The circumstances that resulted in the glucose remains in the blood and will continue to grow in line with the food that goes into the body. The high level of glucose in the blood can cause damage to the system of blood vessels in the heart, liver, kidneys, eyes and nervous system as well.

If not treated properly, diabetes can lead to heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, etc.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is often also referred to as dependency to insulin or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (TYPE 1). The disease can occur at all ages, but its development is more often begins during the children.

Type 1 diabetes is an abnormality in the immune system (immune system). The antibodies that are supposed to protect the body from bacteria and viruses even attacked pangkreas and destroy the cells producing the hormone insulin (beta cells). As a result of the pancreas can no longer produce insulin in the body.

Treatment against type 1 diabetes, insulin injection in the form of regularly, because the sufferer can no longer produce insulin. Generally, treatment of type 1 diabetes requires a change in the pattern of life, such as:

• Check blood sugar levels regularly
• Set up a diet/diet
• Regular exercise
• Insulin Therapy or consuming drugs needed

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is diabetes that at most, which is about 90% of all cases of diabetes.In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas still produces the hormone insulin as usual. However the amount produced was not able to meet the body's needs or because body cells do not respond to insulin properly (insulin resistance). Insulin resistance is the most common cause of type 2 diabetes.

People who are overweight have a greater risk of experiencing diabetes type 2, because obesity can lead to conditions resistant to insulin. Insulin resistance causes blood sugar levels (glucose) increases, because although the pancreas producing the hormone insulin work hard still isn't able to maintain blood sugar levels are in the normal.

Although diabetes cannot be cured, but diabetics can still live a normal and healthy if handled appropriately. Similarly, with type 2 diabetes, can be controlled by keeping the weight remains normal, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, and consuming drugs for diabetes.

Diabetes Gestational

Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy called diabetes gestasional. This type of diabetes is often difficult to detect because the hormonal activity of high factor in pregnant women. The high level of glucose in pregnant women will affect the condition of the fetus because glucose will also be circulated past the placenta and the baby in the womb.

Regular consultation with a physician is necessary so that the diabetes can be detected early.

Diabetes gestational will usually recover after childbirth. But the gestational have diabetes during pregnancy make such women are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future. In addition, diabetes gestational can interfere with the health of the mother and her unborn child.
The risk in infants includes:

• Excessive weight (obesity)
• Difficulty breathing when the birth
• Has a risk of experiencing diabetes

Handling against gestational diabetes aim to maintain the level of glucose in the blood remain normal, which include setting a diet/a good diet for pregnancy and low in calories and fat, regular exercise (calisthenics pregnancy), and check the condition of the content regularly including the weight of the fetus.

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